
Example Definitions of "Product"
Product. The item or items set forth in Exhibit A to be purchased by Intuitive from Encision during the term of this Agreement, including future revisions and enhancements and any additions to the items set forth in Exhibit A that may be agreed upon by the parties. For clarity, Products do not include Intuitive Instruments.
Product. TgAAVCF as defined in Clinical Protocol 25E01
Product. Any formulation containing the Compound or any Improvement as an active ingredient for Pharmaceutical Uses
Product. Any pharmaceutical or biological formulation containing Netrin or a fragment or derivative thereof, or a functional mimetic of Netrin, the manufacture, use, importation, offer for sale, or sale of which would constitute a misappropriation and/or infringement of Program Technology or Institute Patent Rights but for a license thereunder.
Product. Has the meaning given to it in Recital A of this Agreement.
Product. Shall mean (i) Zovirax® Ointment and/or Zovirax® Cream, each in the presentations and formulations in finished product form, as more fully set forth on Exhibit 2; or (ii) any pharmaceutical product (whether prescription or over-the-counter) intended for topical use (excluding ophthalmic use), containing acyclovir alone or in combination with one or more other active pharmaceutical ingredients.
Product. Either DM1 or DM4;
Product. Means the devices and parts listed in Exhibit A-1 attached hereto.
Product. The Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) known as Purified Poloxamer 188 (CRL 5861), which is a component of FLOCOR™.
Product. Ambrotose®, Phyt•Aloe®, Catalyst and Plus Tablets and other Products as may be requested from time-to-time.
All Definitions