
Example Definitions of "Sale"
Sale. Estoppel Certificate
Sale. Any transaction that transfers to an arm's-length Third Party purchaser, for value, title and right of physical possession to a Commercial Product, a Licensed Product, or a Licensed Service. Correspondingly, "Sell" means to make or cause to be made a Sale and "Sold" to have made or caused to be made a Sale
Sale. Include, without limitation, (i) leases and other transfers and similar transactions and (ii) performance or other provision of, or agreement to perform or otherwise provide, any Service by RainDance and/or any Sublicensee(s).
Sale. To sell or lease for consideration Licensed Products.
Sale. Any sale, gift, or other form of inter vivos transfer, voluntary or involuntary, including any dividend or distribution thereof and the pledging of any such stock.
Sale. A Transfer for value; and "Sell" and "Sold" shall each have a correlative meaning.
Sale. The sale, transfer, exchange or other disposition of Products, by DIALOG or any of its Affiliates to any customer or other third party, directly or indirectly through one or more tiers of distribution, for consideration that is recognized as revenue by DIALOG or its Affiliates according to applicable generally accepted accounting principles.
Sale. Sale, disposition, divestment, conveyance or other transfer or conveyance of legal or beneficial interest whether voluntarily or by operation of law.
Sale. Shall include, with respect to the sale of Shares under the Plan, the sale of Shares for any form of consideration specified in Section 8.2, as well as a grant of Shares for consideration in the form of past or future services. For purposes of clarity, a "Sale" of Shares or Shares "Sold" shall include, without limitation, awards of stock bonuses, restricted stock, stock units, performance stock, performance units or similar rights to acquire Shares, whether upon the passage of time, the... occurrence of one or more events, the satisfaction of Performance Criteria or other conditions, or any combination thereof. View More
Sale. Means, (a) any consolidation, merger or recapitalization of the Jupiter Wellness, or any sale, exchange, conveyance or other disposition of Company Shares in a single transaction or a series of transactions, in which the equity holders of the Company immediately prior to such consolidation, merger, recapitalization, sale, transaction or first of such series of transactions, own less than fifty percent (50%) of Jupiter Wellness' or any successor entity's issued and outstanding Company Shares... immediately after such consolidation, merger, recapitalization, sale, transaction or series of such transactions (provided that, for the avoidance of doubt, the IPO shall not constitute a "Sale of the Company"); or (b) any sale, lease or other disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company and its Subsidiaries on a consolidated basis. View More
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