
Example Definitions of "Sale"
Sale. Means any transaction or series of transactions whereby: (A) the Company sells, grants, transfers, conveys, or relinquishes its ownership of any Investment or portion thereof, including any event with respect to any Investment that gives rise to a significant amount of insurance proceeds or condemnation awards, and including the issuance by one of the Company's subsidiaries of any asset-backed securities or collateralized debt obligations as part of a securitization transaction; (B) the Company... sells, grants, transfers, conveys, or relinquishes its ownership of all or substantially all of the interest of the Company in a co-venturer or partner, sells, grants, transfers, conveys, or relinquishes its ownership of any Investment or portion thereof, including any event with respect to any Investment that gives rise to insurance claims or condemnation awards, and including the issuance by such Joint Venture or one of its subsidiaries of any asset-backed securities or collateralized debt obligations as part of a securitization transaction. View More
Sale. And "Sell" means, with respect to a Licensed Product or Licensed Service, the act of selling, leasing or otherwise transferring, providing, or furnishing for use for any consideration.
Sale. The commercialization and marketing of Product by Customer.
Sale. Means the consummation of the sale, in one or more transactions, of either: (i) a majority of the then-outstanding capital stock or equity interests of all of the Subsidiaries of the Company that own at least 80% of the assets that are used in or comprise the Company's OEM business or (ii) at least 80% of the assets owned by the Company and its Subsidiaries that are used in or comprise the Company's OEM business; provided, however, for the avoidance of doubt, any sale of all or substantially... all of the Assets of the Company or any transaction (whether a merger, reorganization, statutory share exchange, consolidation or similar transaction (collectively, a "Business Combination")) which results in the transfer of a majority of the voting power of the Company to persons or entities which were not in control of the Company prior to the Business Combination, shall be deemed a Sale. View More
Sale. The sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company.
Sale. Means any transaction or series of related transactions or arrangements pursuant to which any person(s), firm(s) or company(ies), whether acting alone or together (the "Acquiror"), acquires (whether by purchase, transfer, renunciation, subscription, option or otherwise) an interest, whether direct or indirect, in any shares in the capital of Borrower; provided, however, that the following shall not be considered a Sale: (i) a bona fide equity financing in which Borrower is the surviving... corporation and not more than 50% of the stock of Borrower is issued to unrelated third parties in such transaction, or (ii) a transaction or series of related transactions or arrangements in which the stockholders of Borrower immediately prior to the transaction own 50.1% or more of the voting stock of the surviving corporation or parent of the surviving corporation following the transaction (taking into account only stock of Borrower held by such stockholders prior to the transaction). View More
Sale. A merger or combination of, or a sale to a third party, of all or substantially all of the outstanding equity interests in, or all or substantially all of the assets of, the Company, for which the gross purchase price is at least $350,000,000 and which closes by January 31, 2019.
Sale. (ii) "Sale" means a sale of Units under the Plan (other than upon exercise of an Option).
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