Stockholders Agreement

Example Definitions of "Stockholders Agreement"
Stockholders Agreement. Means the Management Stockholders' Agreement, dated as of October 6, 2005, by and among Newton Acquisition, the Majority Stockholder (as defined therein) and the Management Stockholders (as defined therein), including the Executive.
Stockholders Agreement. The Amended and Restated Stockholders Agreement dated as of August __, 2003 among the Company, the individuals and entities listed on Exhibit A thereto, and any Person who thereafter becomes a stockholder of the Company as provided therein, as amended from time to time
Stockholders Agreement. Historic TW shall cease to be a party to, and have any rights under, the Stockholders Agreement (including the right to request that any shares of common stock of the Company that it may have been entitled to upon exercise of the Warrants be included in any registration statement, but excluding Historic TW's rights under Section 6.4 of the Stockholders Agreement which shall survive), and shall, as of the date hereof, be deemed to have withdrawn its request, dated March 29, 2005, to have any... such shares included in the registration statement relating to the Initial Public Offering. View More
Stockholders Agreement. That certain Stockholders Agreement, dated as of the Closing Date, by and among the Company and the stockholders party thereto
Stockholders Agreement. The Investor Stockholder Agreement, of even date herewith, entered into by and among the Company and the Investors
Stockholders Agreement. The Third Amended and Restated Stockholders Agreement, dated the date hereof, as amended from time to time, among the Company, the Investors, and the other stockholders named therein
Stockholders Agreement. That certain Amended and Restated Stockholders' Agreement dated June 20, 2005 among the Corporation and its stockholders, as amended.
Stockholders Agreement. The Third Amended and Restated Stockholders' Agreement by and among the Company and certain Holders
Stockholders Agreement. Means the Stockholders Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, among the Company and the other parties signatory thereto.
Stockholders Agreement. Means that certain Stockholders Agreement dated as March 31, 2004 by and among the Company and certain stockholders of the Company, as amended from time to time in accordance with its terms.
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