Substantial Completion

Example Definitions of "Substantial Completion"
Substantial Completion. The Work in the Premises has been performed in substantial accordance with the Working Drawings, as reasonably determined by Landlord (other than any details of construction, mechanical adjustment or other similar matter, the noncompletion of which does not materially interfere with Tenant's use or occupancy of the Premises) and that Tenant has the legal right to occupy the Premises for the Permitted Use.
Substantial Completion. Means the Facility has been certified to commence Process Engineering for the Product by the Certified Engineer.
Substantial Completion. The Tenant Work in the Relocation Premises is substantially completed (as reasonably determined by Tenant's Architect) in accordance with the Working Drawings, and Tenant has obtained a Certificate of Occupancy if required by applicable law. Substantial Completion shall have occurred even though minor details of construction, decoration, and mechanical adjustments remain to be completed.
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