Technical Information

Example Definitions of "Technical Information"
Technical Information. The term "Technical Information" shall mean only the unpatented information and data described in Exhibit B that are within the possession of the laboratory of the Principal Investigator at TSRI as of the Effective Date.
Technical Information. Any know-how, technical information and data developed by Columbia by or under the direction of [***] prior to the Effective Date and provided to or received by Company, which know-how, technical information and data, including, without limitation, any know-how, technical information and data disclosed in any Patent, (i) are necessary or useful for the discovery, development, manufacture, use, sale, offering for sale, importation, exportation, distribution, rental or lease of a Product, (ii)... are specifically identified on Exhibit C hereto which may be amended from time to time upon mutual agreement of the parties, and (iii) has not become a matter of public information or publicly available prior to the Effective Date. For the avoidance of doubt, Technical Information shall not, however, include any know-how, technical information or data that (i) is in the possession of Company prior to the time such know-how, technical information or data was developed by Columbia; or (ii) is independently developed by Company or a Third Party from which Company rightfully obtains such know-how, technical information or data, without use of any such know-how, technical information or data from Columbia as evidenced by Company's corroborating written documentation. View More
Technical Information. The Tianeptine Technical Information and the Mitragynine Technical Information.
Technical Information. Means UWMRF rights in technical information and information of any type whatsoever, in any tangible or intangible form, including, without limitation, results, technology, business information, know-how, trade secrets, practices, inventions, developments, specifications, formulations, processes, procedures, compositions, devices, methods, formulae, protocols, techniques, software, designs, drawings, data (including test data, analytical and quality control data, stability data, and other study... data), materials or compositions of any type (patentable or otherwise), algorithms, marketing reports, and expertise created by inventors of the Existing Patents or persons under their supervision at the University prior to the Effective Date of the License Agreement and which are useful to Company for the purpose of commercialization of the Patent Products (as defined in the License Agreement). View More
Technical Information. The information listed in Annex B.
Technical Information. The research and development data, results, technology, and information in a tangible form, including information, practices, techniques, methods, processes, developments, specifications, formulations, formulae, algorithms, test data (including pharmacological, biological, chemical, biochemical, toxicological, preclinical and clinical test data), analytical and quality control data, stability data, including but not limited to target, mechanism of action, or structure-activity relationship... information, and includes products that are identified and chemically or biologically modified one or multiple times after screening other study data and procedures whether or not patented, existing as of the Original Effective Date of this Agreement, owned or controlled by Salk, and which are specifically identified in Exhibit B attached. View More
Technical Information. The meaning set forth in the License Agreement
Technical Information. Any know-how, technical information and data provided by Columbia related to the Technology that (i) is developed by Columbia under the direction of [*] or an individual working under [*] direction prior to the Effective Date, (ii) has not been disclosed to or is not generally available to the public prior to the Effective Date, and (iii) is described and documented as disclosed to Company in a technology transfer memorandum signed by Columbia and Company.
Technical Information. Means either Party's pre-existing technical documentation and information relating to manufacture of the Product, or to human insulin for use in the manufacture of the MannKind Product.
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