Trade Secrets

Example Definitions of "Trade Secrets"
Trade Secrets. The trade secrets of the Company or any Affiliate as defined under applicable law.
Trade Secrets. Any item of Confidential Information that constitutes a trade secret of the Company Entities under applicable common or statutory law.
Trade Secrets. Means all of the following, now owned or hereafter acquired by the Grantor: (i) trade secrets, (ii) income, royalties, damages and payments now and hereafter due and/or payable to the Grantor with respect to trade secrets, including, without limitation, damages and payments for past or future infringements or misappropriations thereof, (iii) rights to sue for past, present and future infringements or misappropriations of trade secrets, and (iv) all other rights corresponding to trade secrets... throughout the world. View More
Trade Secrets. All inventions, discoveries, trade secrets, business and technical information and know-how, databases, data collections, formula, research, findings, advancements of technology and other confidential and proprietary information and all rights therein related to or associated with the technology covered by or relating to the IFLOR Business, Patent Rights or Additional IFLOR Business.
Trade Secrets. In a manner consistent with the broadest interpretation of Nevada law. Trade Secrets shall include, without limitation, Confidential Information, formulas, inventions, patterns, compilations, vendor lists, customer lists, contracts, business plans and practices, marketing plans and practices, financial plans and practices, programs, devices, methods, know-hows, techniques or processes, any of which derive economic value, present or potential, from not being generally known to, and not being... readily ascertainable by proper means by, other persons who may or could obtain any economic value from its disclosure or use, including but not limited to the general public. Employee further agrees that Employee shall not permit any party claiming through Employee, to assert a claim or impose any liability against any Stockholder (in its capacity as a Stockholder) as to any matter or thing arising out of or relating to the Agreement or any alleged breach or default by Employer. View More
Trade Secrets. The meaning assigned to such term by the North Carolina Trade Secrets Protection Act
Trade Secrets. All right, title and interest (and all related IP Ancillary Rights) arising under any Requirement of Law in or relating to trade secrets and all other confidential or proprietary information and know-how owned by an Obligor, including all documents and things embodying, incorporating, or referring in any way to such Trade Secret.
Trade Secrets. Means all information that derives economic value from not being generally known to other Persons, and any other information that is proprietary or confidential to Seller, including, without limitation, know-how, ideas, processes, documentation, information, data, customer lists, Software and programs (in both object code and source code form), data of any type (in whatever form, including but not limited to computer files), process technology, plans, drawings and blueprints, designs, and... specifications, in each case that are primarily used in the Business. View More
Trade Secrets. Confidential and proprietary business information (including, but not limited to, all ideas, trade secrets, research and development, know-how, concepts, methods, processes, formulae, reports, data, methodologies, techniques, technical data, designs, drawings, specifications, customer and supplier lists, pricing and cost information, mailing lists, business and marketing plans and proposals, inventions, disclosures, discoveries, improvements, modifications, technologies, or other proprietary... information not generally known or reasonably ascertainable that provides the owner with a competitive advantage, whether or not patented, patentable, copyrightable, reduced to practice or registered. View More
Trade Secrets. Any information, including a formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, method, technique, or process, that (i) derives economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to, and not being readily ascertainable by proper means by, other persons who can obtain economic value from its disclosure or use and (ii) is the subject of efforts that are reasonable under the circumstances to maintain its secrecy, or otherwise meets the definition of Trade Secret under the Georgia... Trade Secrets Act of 1990, as it may be amended from time to time, or any similar statute which replaces such Act. Information which does not meet the definition of Trade Secret shall nevertheless be considered Confidential Information to the extent it is within the definition of Confidential Information. View More
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