Uniform Commercial Code

Example Definitions of "Uniform Commercial Code"
Uniform Commercial Code. Means with respect to any jurisdiction, the Uniform Commercial Code as from time to time in effect in such jurisdiction
Uniform Commercial Code. The Uniform Commercial Code as enacted and amended in the State
Uniform Commercial Code. Shall mean the Uniform Commercial Code in effect on the date hereof and as amended from time to time, and as enacted in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or in any state or states which, pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code as enacted in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, has jurisdiction with respect to all, or any portion of, the Collateral or this Agreement, from time to time. It is the intent of the parties that the definitions set forth above should be construed in their broadest sense so... that Collateral will be construed in its broadest sense. Accordingly if there are, from time to time, changes to defined terms in the Uniform Commercial Code that broaden the definitions, they are incorporated herein and if existing definitions in the Uniform Commercial Code are broader than the amended definitions, the existing ones shall be controlling. Similarly, where the phrase "as defined in the Uniform Commercial Code, but in any event shall include, but not be limited to . . ." is used above, it means as defined in the Uniform Commercial Code except that if any of the enumerated types of items specified thereafter would not fall within the Uniform Commercial Code definition, they shall nonetheless be included in the applicable definition for purposes of this Agreement. View More
Uniform Commercial Code. Means any of a number of uniform acts promulgated to harmonize the law of commercial transactions in the United States.
Uniform Commercial Code. The Uniform Commercial Code from time to time in effect in the State of North Carolina.
Uniform Commercial Code. Means the Uniform Commercial Code as enacted in the State of Texas.
Uniform Commercial Code. As in effect from time to time in all relevant jurisdictions (the "UCC")
Uniform Commercial Code. Of the State of Minnesota (the "UCC")
Uniform Commercial Code. Division 1 or Division 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code of the State of California
Uniform Commercial Code. Means the Uniform Commercial Code as in effect in the state of California from time to time or, by reason of mandatory application, any other applicable jurisdiction.
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