Unvested Shares

Example Definitions of "Unvested Shares"
Unvested Shares. Means any time those Shares that are not at such time Vested Shares.
Unvested Shares. Shall be the total number of shares of Stock in excess of the Vested Shares.
Unvested Shares. At the relevant time of reference thereto, those Shares that have not vested on or prior to such time pursuant to Section 6 and Section 7 hereof.
Unvested Shares. That portion, if any, of Incentive Shares which remains subject to a vesting schedule, forfeiture restrictions, performance requirements or similar conditions precedent under this Plan and the Award Agreement pursuant to which such Incentive Shares were granted.
Unvested Shares. Shares that have not vested pursuant to the vesting schedule set forth in a Option Agreement or for which the Company's repurchase option has not lapsed pursuant to a Restricted Stock Purchase Agreement.
Unvested Shares. Shall mean, at the relevant time of reference thereto, those Shares that are then issued and outstanding and that are not Vested Shares at such time.
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