Voluntary Termination

Example Definitions of "Voluntary Termination"
Voluntary Termination. Occur when the Award Recipient voluntarily ceases employment with, or the provision of services to, the Company and its Subsidiaries for any reason or no reason (e.g., the Award Recipient elects to cease being an employee or provide consulting services or the Award Recipient resigns or quits). For the avoidance of doubt, a Voluntary Termination shall not occur as a result of termination of employment as a result of death, Permanent Disability (as provided hereunder), or termination for "good... reason" or similar words (as permitted hereunder and pursuant to an Employment Agreement) or as the result of the Optionee's retirement in accordance with the Company's retirement policies. View More
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Voluntary Termination. Occur when When the Award Recipient voluntarily ceases employment with, or the provision of services to, the Company and its Subsidiaries Service for any reason or no reason (e.g., the Award Recipient elects to cease being an employee or director or provide consulting services or the Award Recipient resigns or quits). For the avoidance of doubt, a Voluntary Termination shall not occur as a result of termination of employment Service as a result of death, Permanent Disability (as provided... hereunder), or termination for "good reason" or similar words (as permitted hereunder and pursuant to an Employment Agreement) or as the result of the Optionee's retirement in accordance with the Company's retirement policies. View More
Voluntary Termination. Occur when When the Award Recipient Optionee voluntarily ceases employment with, or the provision of services to, the Company and its Subsidiaries for any reason or no reason (e.g., the Award Recipient Optionee elects to cease being an employee or provide consulting services or the Award Recipient Optionee resigns or quits). For the avoidance of doubt, a Voluntary Termination shall not occur as a result of termination of employment as a result of death, Permanent Disability (as provided... hereunder), or termination for "good reason" or similar words (as permitted hereunder and pursuant to an Employment Agreement) or as the result of the Optionee's retirement in accordance with the Company's retirement policies. policies View More
Voluntary Termination. Occur when the Award Recipient Optionee voluntarily ceases employment with, or the provision of services to, the Company and its Subsidiaries for any reason or no reason (e.g., the Award Recipient Optionee elects to cease being an employee or provide consulting services or the Award Recipient Optionee resigns or quits). For the avoidance of doubt, a Voluntary Termination shall not occur as a result of termination of employment as a result of death, Permanent Disability (as provided hereunder),... or termination for "good reason" or similar words (as permitted hereunder and pursuant to an Employment Agreement) or as the result of the Optionee's retirement in accordance with the Company's retirement policies. policies View More
View Variations (5)
Voluntary Termination. Optionee's termination of Optionee's employment with the Company or any Subsidiary for any reason, other than a Termination For Good Reason
Voluntary Termination. Optionee's Optionee’s termination of Optionee's Optionee’s employment with the Company or any Subsidiary for any reason, other than a Termination For for Good Reason
Voluntary Termination. Means Optionee's termination of Optionee's employment with the Company or any Subsidiary of its subsidiaries for any reason, other than a Termination For Good Reason Reason.
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Voluntary Termination. The Executive's voluntary termination of employment hereunder for any reason other than a Voluntary Termination for Good Reason. For purposes of this Section 11, the term Voluntary Termination does not include a voluntary refusal to perform services on account of a vacation taken in accordance with Section 6(a) hereof, the Executive's failure to perform services on account of the Executive's illness or injury or the illness or injury of a member of the Executive's immediate family, provided... such illness is adequately substantiated at the reasonable request of the Company, or any other absence from service with the written consent of the Board View More
Voluntary Termination. The Executive's voluntary termination of employment hereunder for any reason his employment, other than a Voluntary Termination for Good Reason. Reason, hereunder for any reason. For purposes of this Section 11, 10, the term Voluntary Termination does not include a voluntary refusal to perform services on account of a vacation taken in accordance with Section 6(a) hereof, the Executive's failure to perform services on account of the Executive's his illness or injury or the illness or injury of... a member of the Executive's his immediate family, provided such illness is adequately substantiated at the reasonable request of the Company, or any other absence from service with the written consent of the Board Board. View More
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Voluntary Termination. The termination by the Executive of his employment by the Company by voluntary resignation or any other means other than death, retirement or Permanent Disability.
Voluntary Termination. Means Consultant's voluntary termination of this Agreement hereunder for any reason, other than a Voluntary Termination With Good Reason.
Voluntary Termination. Executive's termination of the Executive's employment for any reason, including retirement
Voluntary Termination. Shall mean any termination which is elected by the Employee. However, the term Voluntary Termination does not include a termination as a result of death, disability, or retirement pursuant to a retirement plan to which the Employee participated in prior to the Change of Control.
Voluntary Termination. The Executive's voluntary termination of his employment hereunder for any reason, other than a Termination for Good Reason. If the Executive gives a Termination Notice of Voluntary Termination and, prior to the Termination Date, the Executive voluntarily refuses or fails to provide substantially all the services described in Section 2 hereof for a period greater than two consecutive weeks, the Voluntary Termination shall be deemed to be effective as of the date on which the Executive so ceases... to carry out his duties. Voluntary refusal to perform services shall not include (i) taking vacation otherwise permitted in accordance with Section 4(d) hereof, (ii) the Executive's failure to perform services on account of his illness or the illness of a member of the Executive's immediate family, provided such illness is adequately substantiated at the reasonable request of the Company, or (iii) any other absence from service with the written consent of the Board View More
Voluntary Termination. Termination of employment by the Executive voluntarily as set forth in Section 7(d) of this Agreement.
Voluntary Termination. Termination of employment that is voluntary on the part of Employee, and either (A) is subsequent to the Company providing notice to Employee, in accordance with Section 2 of the Change in Control Agreement between Employee and the Company, that the term of said Change in Control Agreement will cease to extend automatically, or (B) in the judgment of Employee, is due to (x) a reduction of Employee's responsibilities, title or status resulting from a formal change in such title or status, or... from the assignment to Employee of any duties inconsistent with Employee's title, duties or responsibilities in effect within the year prior to the Change in Control; (y) a reduction in Employee's compensation or benefits; or (z) a Company- required involuntary relocation of Employee's place of residence or a significant increase in Employee's travel requirements View More
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