Year of Service

Example Definitions of "Year of Service"
Year of Service. (cc) "Year of Service" means each 12-month period of an Eligible Employee's continuous and uninterrupted service with the Company or an Affiliate (or, in the event of a partial year of service, to the extent an Eligible Employee provided continuous and uninterrupted service to the Company or an Affiliate for at least six months and one day during such year, such year shall count as a full "Year of Service" for purposes of this Plan). For the avoidance of doubt, service to Ligand or its... Affiliates shall constitute service for purposes of this Plan. View More
Year of Service. (cc) "Year (cc)"Year of Service" means each 12-month period of an Eligible Employee's continuous and uninterrupted service with the Company or an Affiliate (or, in the event of a partial year of service, to the extent an Eligible Employee provided continuous and uninterrupted service to the Company or an Affiliate for at least six months and one day during such year, such year shall count as a full "Year of Service" for purposes of this Plan). For the avoidance of doubt, service to Ligand or... its Affiliates shall constitute service for purposes of this Plan. View More
View Variation
Year of Service. For a Participant each one-year period commencing on a Participant's Commencement Date or anniversary thereof during which such Participant continues to be an Eligible Individual
Year of Service. A twelve (12) month continuous period of employment or a portion of such period, including periods of authorized vacation, authorized leave of absence and short-term disability leave, with the Company or its predecessors or successors rounded up to the nearest whole number
Year of Service. Each 12-month period during continuous employment with the Company or a Subsidiary as a common-law employee beginning on an Eligible Employee's date of hire and each anniversary thereof. Any period of less than 12 months during such continuous employment that begins on the anniversary of an Eligible Employee's date of hire and ends on his or her date of retirement or termination of employment shall also be credited as one full Year of Service. All periods of employment by the Company or a... Subsidiary shall be taken into account and neither the transfer of an Eligible Employee from employment by the Company to employment by a Subsidiary nor the transfer of an Eligible Employee from employment by a Subsidiary to Employment by the Company shall be deemed to be a termination of employment by the Eligible Employee. Moreover, the employment of an Eligible Employee shall not be deemed to have been terminated because of his absence from active employment on account of temporary illness or authorized vacation, or during temporary leaves of absence from active employment granted by the Company or a Subsidiary for reasons of professional advancement, education, health, or government service, or during military leave for any period if the Eligible Employee returns to active employment within 90 days after the termination of his military leave, or during any period required to be treated as a leave of absence by virtue of (i) any enforceable employment or other agreement or (ii) any applicable law, such as the federal Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. View More
Year of Service. Each twelve (12) consecutive month period of a Participant's continuous employment with the Company from the Date of Hire
Year of Service. Each 12 consecutive month period commencing on the Executive's date of hire by the Company or an Affiliate and each anniversary thereof in which the Executive is paid by the Company or an Affiliate for the performance of full-time services as an Executive. For purposes of this section, full-time services shall mean that the Executive is employed for at least 30 hours per week. A Year of Service shall include any period during which the Executive is not working due to disability, leave of... absence or layoff so long as he is being paid by the Company or an Affiliate (other than through any employee benefit plan). A Year of Service also shall include service in any branch of the armed forces of the United States by any person who is an Executive on the date such service commenced, but only to the extent required by applicable law. View More
Year of Service. A period of twelve consecutive full months of service as a member of the Board.
Year of Service. Shall have the same meaning as given to that term in the Qualified Plan.
Year of Service. A full 12-month period, measured from an Employee's date of hire, and each annual anniversary date thereof, during which the Participant has continuously been an Employee or Director. Where appearing in the Plan, the masculine gender shall include the feminine and neuter genders, and the singular shall include the plural, and vice versa, unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning
Year of Service. Means a period of twelve consecutive months (whether beginning before or after the effective date of this Plan), beginning on the date a Participant most recently became a member of the Board or any anniversary thereof, throughout which the Participant has served as a member of the Board.
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