Common Areas

Example Definitions of "Common Areas"
Common Areas. Those areas devoted to corridors, elevator foyers and elevator cabs, restrooms, mechanical rooms, janitorial closets, electrical and telephone closets, vending areas and other similar facilities provided for the common use or benefit of tenants generally and/or the public.
Common Areas. Those areas of the Building devoted to corridors, elevator foyers and elevator cabs, restrooms, mechanical rooms, janitorial closets, electrical and telephone closets, vending areas and other similar facilities provided for the common use or benefit of tenants generally and/or the public.
Common Areas. Those areas devoted to The Building Common Areas and corridors, elevator foyers and elevator cabs, foyers, restrooms, mechanical rooms, janitorial closets, electrical and telephone closets, vending areas and other similar facilities provided for the common use or benefit of tenants generally and/or the public. public
View Variations (2)
Common Areas. The term "Common Areas" shall mean the Building Common Areas and the Project Common Areas.
Common Areas. The term "Common Areas" shall mean the Building Common Areas and the Project Property Common Areas.
View Variation
Common Areas. Those areas located within the Building or on the Property used for corridors, elevator foyers, mail rooms, restrooms, mechanical rooms, elevator mechanical rooms, property management office, janitorial closets, electrical and telephone closets, vending areas, and lobby areas (whether at ground level or otherwise), entrances, exits, sidewalks, skywalks, tunnels, driveways, parking areas and parking garages and landscaped areas and other similar facilities provided for the common use or benefit... of tenants generally and/or the public. View More
Common Areas. Those areas located within the Building or on the Property used for corridors, elevator foyers, mail rooms, restrooms, mechanical rooms, elevator mechanical rooms, property management office, janitorial closets, electrical and telephone closets, vending areas, and lobby areas (whether at ground level or otherwise), entrances, exits, sidewalks, skywalks, tunnels, driveways, parking areas and parking garages and landscaped areas and other similar facilities provided for the common use or benefit... of tenants generally and/or the public. public; provided however that Tenant shall be entitled to use 1.5 undesignated parking spaces per 1,000 useable square feet at no cost during the Term. View More
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Common Areas. Those areas of the Property devoted to corridors, elevator foyers, restrooms, mechanical rooms, elevators, janitorial closets, electrical and telephone closets, vending areas, parking areas, driveways, sidewalks and landscaped areas, and other similar facilities provided for the common use or benefit of tenants of the Property generally and/or the public, but excluding Shared Exterior Common Areas. Landlord reserves the right to relocate, add or delete Common Areas in Landlord's reasonable... discretion. View More
Common Areas. Those areas located within the Building or on the Property for the common use or benefit of tenants generally and/or the public substantially as existing as of the date hereof.
Common Areas. Those areas of the Building and/or Land, as the case may be, made available by Landlord for use by Tenant in common with the Landlord, other tenants of the Building and the employees, agents and invitees of Landlord and of such other tenants.
Common Areas. The building lobbies, common corridors and hallways, restrooms, stairways, elevators, and other areas designated by Landlord as public or common areas. Landlord shall have the right to regulate or restrict the use of the Common Areas.
Common Areas. Collectively (i) the Building Exterior Common Areas and (ii) all those areas within the Building devoted to corridors, elevator foyers, restrooms, mechanical rooms, janitorial closets, electrical and telephone closets, vending areas and other similar facilities provided for the common use or benefit of tenants generally and/or the public, including any columns and/or projections located within said areas, except as expressly provided hereinafter. Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is understood... and agreed that the delicatessen food service area located on the first floor of the Building which may be utilized by Tenant or its agents or licensees, from time to time for serving food and beverages and any related seating areas (collectively, the "Deli Area"), shall not be deemed to be a part of the "Common Areas", even though other tenants or third parties may utilize the services and/or seating areas of the Deli Area and any food or beverage operation conducted therein. View More
Common Areas. The definition set forth in the Building Project and Common Areas article of this Lease
Common Areas. All drive aisles, sidewalks, parking lots, lobbies, hallways, stairways, common entrances, or other common elements designated by Landlord as being for the use in common by all tenants of the Building or of any other building now or hereafter constructed by Landlord upon property adjacent to the Property
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