Example Definitions of "EBITDA"
EBITDA. Shall have the meaning set forth in Schedule I.
EBITDA. With respect to any Person, in any fiscal year, all earnings (other than extraordinary items) of such Person before interest and income tax obligations of such Person for said year and before depreciation and amortization charges of such Person for said year, all determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, consistently applied
EBITDA. With respect to any fiscal period, the Net Income of Borrowers and their Subsidiaries plus Interest Expense, income taxes, and depreciation and amortization for such period, in each case as Net Income and such other items are determined on a consolidated basis in accordance with GAAP; provided, that, (a) in the case of the calculation of EBITDA for any fiscal period that includes one or more fiscal months ended prior to the date of the Agreement, EBITDA for such fiscal month(s) ended prior to... the date of the Agreement shall be as listed on Schedule E-1, (b) for the purposes of calculating EBITDA for any period of 12 consecutive fiscal months (each, a "Reference Period"), if at any time during such Reference Period (and after the Closing Date), Borrowers shall have made a Permitted Acquisition, EBITDA for such Reference Period shall be calculated after giving pro forma effect thereto (including pro forma adjustments arising out of events which are directly attributable to such Permitted Acquisition, are factually supportable, and are expected to have a continuing impact, in each case to be mutually and reasonably agreed upon by Borrowers and Agent) or in such other manner acceptable to Agent as if any such Permitted Acquisition or adjustment occurred on the first day of such Reference Period, and (c) in the case of the calculation of EBITDA for any Reference Period that includes one or more of the first eighteen fiscal months ended immediately after the First Amendment Effective Date, EBITDA for such Reference Period shall be increased by up to $2,000,000 of Permitted Restructuring and Startup Costs actually incurred related to the ColorMaster Purchase during such Reference Period. For purposes of this paragraph, "Permitted Restructuring and Startup Costs" means expenses involving the termination of associates as a result of the effects of the ColorMaster Purchase at any of Borrowers' facilities, the excess cost as measured by the Borrowers' departmental variance analysis for all of Borrowers' dyeing and finishing operations, including the acquired ColorMaster dye house, outside processing costs required as a result of the integration of the ColorMaster dye house into Borrowers' facilities, excess freight costs or savings thereof, costs associated with termination of utilities or energy supplies at any of Borrowers' facilities as a result such integration of the ColorMaster dye house, and any other of such expenses so approved by the Lenders in their sole discretion. View More
EBITDA. Means earnings before interest taxes depreciation and amortization all in accordance with the financial reports (audited or reviewed, as the case may be) of TT, approved by the auditor of the Purchaser, provided that, any amount that the Purchaser or any of its affiliates will receive from the TT entities as management fees exceeding the sum of USD 300,000 per year shall be excluded together with any transaction which is not in arm's length or fair market value with Purchaser or its affiliates.
EBITDA. With respect to any Person and for any Test Period, means an amount equal to the sum of (a) Net Income (or loss) of such Person (prior to any impact from minority or non-controlling interests or joint venture net income and before deduction of any dividends on preferred stock of such Person), plus the following (but only to the extent actually included in determination of such Net Income (or loss)): (i) depreciation and amortization expense, (ii) Interest Expense, (iii) income tax expense, and... (iv) extraordinary or non-recurring gains and losses and unrealized loan loss reserves and other impairments associated with owned real estate, plus (b) such Person's proportionate share of Net Income (prior to any impact from minority or non-controlling interests or joint venture net income and before deduction of any dividends on preferred stock of such Person) of the joint venture investments and unconsolidated Affiliates of such Person, all with respect to such period View More
EBITDA. The amount equal to Practice's earnings from operations from the applicable measurement period before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization as determined in accordance with GAAP as consistently applied in the same manner as historically done and without allocation of costs from Manager's operations in a manner not previously done without Practice's consent which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed; provided, however, certain unique and nonrecurring events that cause a... material change to the historical calculation of EBITDA should, to the maximum extent possible, be addressed by the parties as to preserve the underlying economic and financial arrangements between Practice, on the one hand, and Manager, on the other hand. View More
EBITDA. Means for any period the sum of (i) Earnings Before Interest and Taxes for such period plus (ii) depreciation expenses for such period, plus (iii) amortization expenses for such period.
EBITDA. Means, for any period and any Person, the earnings of such Person for such period as determined in accordance with GAAP, before (a) the deduction of consolidated interest expenses, taxes, depreciation and amortization, (b) the deduction of pro rata interest expenses, taxes, depreciation and amortization from unconsolidated joint venture and/or partnership interests and (c) losses associated with asset sales to the Manager.
EBITDA. EBITDA as defined in the Management Shareholders Agreement
EBITDA. For each relevant time period, an amount equal to Guarantor's consolidated Net Income (or loss) (prior to any impact from minority interests or joint venture net income and before deduction of any dividends on preferred stock), plus the following (but only to the extent actually deducted or added in determination of such Net Income (or loss)): (i) depreciation and amortization expense, (ii) Interest Expense, (iii) income tax expense, and (iv) extraordinary or non recurring gains and losses.
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