Equity Securities

Example Definitions of "Equity Securities"
Equity Securities. Of any Person means (a) in the case of a corporation, corporate stock; (b) in the case of an association or business entity, any and all shares, interests, participations, rights or other equivalents (however designated) of corporate stock; (c) in the case of a partnership or limited liability company, partnership, membership interests (whether general or limited) or shares in the capital of a company; and (d) any other interest or participation that confers on a Person the right to receive a... share of profits and losses of, or distribution of assets of, the issuing Person. View More
Equity Securities. Means, with respect to any Person, all of the shares of capital stock or equity of (or other ownership or profit interests in) such Person, all of the warrants, options or other rights for the purchase or acquisition from such Person of shares of capital stock or equity of (or other ownership or profit interests in) such Person, all of the securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares of capital stock or equity of (or other ownership or profit interests in) such Person or warrants,... rights or options for the purchase or acquisition from such Person of such shares or equity (or such other interests), restricted stock awards, restricted stock units, equity appreciation rights, phantom equity rights, profit participation and all of the other ownership or profit interests of such Person (including partnership or member interests therein), whether voting or nonvoting. View More
Equity Securities. Has the meaning ascribed to it in the Transaction Agreement.
Equity Securities. As applicable, (a) Common Stock; or (b) any equity securities directly or indirectly convertible into or exchangeable for any voting securities of the Company
Equity Securities. Any (i) capital stock of any class or series, (ii) options, warrants or other securities convertible into or exercisable or exchangeable for any such capital stock, (iii) options, warrants or other securities convertible into or exercisable or exchangeable for any such securities described in clause (ii), or (iv) any other rights to acquire, directly or indirectly, such capital stock.
Equity Securities. Means (i) Common Stock, rights, options or warrants to purchase Common Stock, (ii) any security other than Common Stock having voting rights in the election of the Board of Directors, other than rights contingent upon a failure to pay dividends, or (iii) any security convertible into or exchangeable for any of the foregoing.
Equity Securities. Any shares of capital stock or other equity securities of the Company, whether now or hereafter issued, including, without limitation, any options, warrants or other rights convertible into, or exercisable or exchangeable for, any shares of capital stock or other equity securities of the Company.
Equity Securities. With respect to any Person (other than an individual), all of such Person's issued and outstanding: (i) capital stock (including but not limited to common stock and preferred stock), partnership interests, membership interests, equity interests, profits interests, warrants, options or other rights for the purchase or acquisition from such Person of shares of capital stock or other equity or profits interests of such Person; (ii) all of the securities convertible into or exchangeable for shares... of capital stock, equity or profits interests, warrants, rights or options for the purchase or acquisition from such Person of such shares or interests; and (iii) all of the other equity or profit interests in such Person, whether voting or nonvoting, and whether or not such shares, warrants, options, rights or other interests are outstanding on any date of determination View More
Equity Securities. Common Stock of the Company of otherwise referred to as "Shares" herein (or any successor security pursuant to Section 3(b) or 3(e) hereof.
Equity Securities. Means, with respect to any Person, (x) any shares of Capital Stock of such Person, (y) any rights, options, warrants or similar securities to subscribe for, purchase or otherwise acquire any shares of Capital Stock of such Person, and (z) Capital Stock or other equity securities directly or indirectly convertible into or exercisable or exchangeable for any shares of Capital Stock of such Person, excluding, for all purposes, any debt, including, without limitation, any debt convertible into any... of the foregoing described in clauses (x) through (z). View More
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