Force Majeure Event

Example Definitions of "Force Majeure Event"
Force Majeure Event. Has the meaning set forth in Article 10.
Force Majeure Event. Has the The meaning set forth in Article 10
Force Majeure Event. Has the meaning set forth in Article 10. 11.
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Force Majeure Event. An event as specified in article 10.1;
Force Majeure Event. An event as specified in article 10.1; 13.1
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Force Majeure Event. Acts of God, acts or omissions of civil or military authority, fires, strikes, floods, epidemics, riot, war, acts of terrorism, quarantine restrictions, delays in transportation, inability to obtain equipment if not due to the acts or failure to act of a Party or its subcontractors, and prolonged shortage of energy or other supplies beyond the reasonable control of either Party which prevents, in whole or in material part, the performance by one of the Parties of its obligations hereunder or... which renders the performance of such obligations so difficult or costly as to make such performance commercially unreasonable View More
Force Majeure Event. Any act of God, strike, lockout, disruption to rights of occupation or operation of the Mine, other disturbance or labour difficulty, war, act of public enemy, blockade, revolution, riot, insurrection, civil commotion, lightning, storm, flood, fire, earthquake, explosion, embargo, unavailability of any essential equipment or materials, unavoidable accident, lack of transportation, or anything done or not done by or to a person, government or other competent authority which results in the... halting of Commercial Production for any period View More
Force Majeure Event. Those events described in Clause 13 hereof.
Force Majeure Event. Means events outside of a Party's control, which shall include, but not be limited to, fire, flood, explosion, natural disaster, inability to obtain or shortage of materials, equipment or transportation, governmental orders (including restrictions, priorities or rationing), acts of God, accidents and strikes, lockouts or other labor trouble or shortage.
Force Majeure Event. Any failure or delay in performance caused by any strikes, lock-outs, labor disputes, fires, acts of God or public enemy, extreme weather, including but not limited to, hail, wind, hurricanes, tornadoes and flooding or restrictions or prohibitions by any Governmental Authority
Force Majeure Event. Any of the following events or circumstances that directly and adversely affect the area where the Project is located: (a) earthquake, fire, hurricane, tornado, flood or other act of God; (b) ware, act of terrorism, insurrection, rebellion, riots or other civil unrest; (c) epidemics, quarantine restrictions or other public health restrictions or advisories; (d) strikes, lockouts or other labor interruptions not caused by a breach or any term of this Agreement or any term or provision of any... collective bargaining agreement affecting the Property by the party claiming the existence of a Force Majeure event; (d) disruption of local, national, or international transport services; (f) embargoes, lack of materials, water, power or telephone transmissions: (g) failure of an applicable governmental authority to issue any approval or the suspension, termination or revocation of any material approvals due to reasons not cause by the party claiming the existence of the Force Majeure event. View More
Force Majeure Event. First used in Section 12 hereof, means any act of God, labor dispute, non-delivery by program suppliers or others, failure or breakdown of satellite or other facilities, legal enactment, governmental order or regulation or any other similar or dissimilar cause beyond the control of UNIVISION or AFFILIATE, as the case may be.
Force Majeure Event. Fire, disaster caused by forces of nature, riot, terrorist act, war, labor dispute, material changes in applicable law or regulation, or decree of any court.
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