General Intangibles

Example Definitions of "General Intangibles"
General Intangibles. Means any personal property owned by Company (other than Accounts, Instruments, chattel paper, Equipment or Inventory) including, but not limited to, general intangibles, causes of action, contract rights, rights to insurance claims and proceeds, tax refunds, claims for tax refunds, rights of indemnification, contribution and subrogation, payment intangibles, goodwill, patents, know-how, trademarks, copyrights, trade names, patent, trademark, trade name and copyright registrations and... applications, trade secrets, customer lists, licenses and franchises, and license agreements related to any of the foregoing (and income derived therefrom). View More
General Intangibles. Means (a) general intangibles, as that term is defined in the U.C.C. ; and (b) choses in action, causes of action, Intellectual Property, customer lists, corporate or other business records, inventions, designs, patents, patent applications, service marks, registrations, trade names, trademarks, copyrights, licenses, goodwill, computer software, rights to indemnification and tax refunds.
General Intangibles. All of Borrower's present and future general intangibles and all other presently owned or hereafter acquired intangible personal property of Borrower (including, without limitation, any and all franchise rights, choses or things in action, goodwill, purchase orders, customer lists, monies due or recoverable from pension funds, route lists, deposit accounts, tax refunds and tax refund claims) other than goods and Accounts, as well as Borrower's books and records, computer programs, computer... discs, computer tapes and reports relating to any of the foregoing. For purposes of this Agreement, General Intangibles shall not include any IP Collateral View More
General Intangibles. All general intangibles as that term is defined in the UCC, including without limitation all contracts or agreements of Debtor, all records and other documents and all claims, choses in action, judgments, trademarks, franchise agreements, license agreements, service marks, logos, goodwill and deposit accounts
General Intangibles. All general intangibles as that term is defined in the UCC and all payment intangibles and all intangible personal property of every kind and nature other than Accounts (including, without limitation, all Contract Rights, other rights to receive payments of money, choses in action, security interests, indemnification claims, judgments, tax refunds and tax refund claims, royalty and product rights, inventions, work in progress, patents, patent applications, trademarks, trademark applications,... trade names, copyrights, copyright applications, permits, licenses, franchises, leasehold interests in real or personal property, rights to receive rentals of real or personal property or payments under letters of credit, insurance proceeds, know-how, trade secrets, other items of intellectual property and Intellectual Property, goodwill (whether or not associated with any of the foregoing), computer software and guarantee claims. View More
General Intangibles. Shall mean all "general intangibles" as such term is defined in Article 9 of the UCC and, in any event, including with respect to any Grantor, all contracts, agreements, instruments and indentures in any form, and portions thereof, to which such Grantor is a party or under which such Grantor has any right, title or interest or to which such Grantor or any property of such Grantor is subject, as the same may from time to time be amended, supplemented or otherwise modified, including (a) all... rights of such Grantor to receive moneys due and to become due to it thereunder or in connection therewith, (b) all rights of such Grantor to receive proceeds of any insurance, indemnity, warranty or guarantee with respect thereto, (c) all claims of such Grantor for damages arising out of any breach of or default thereunder and (d) all rights of such Grantor to terminate, amend, supplement, modify or exercise rights or options thereunder. View More
General Intangibles. General intangibles as defined in the Code, as such definition may be amended from time to time, and shall include, but not be limited to, registered and unregistered patents, trademarks, service marks, copyrights, trade names, applications for the foregoing, trade secrets, goodwill, processes, drawings, blueprints, customer lists, licenses, whether as licensor or licensee, choses in action and other claims and existing and future leasehold interests in Equipment, Payment Intangibles and... Software), all whether arising under the laws of the United States of America or any other country. View More
General Intangibles. All of the Debtor's general intangibles, as such term is defined in the UCC, whether now owned or hereafter acquired, including all present and future Intellectual Property Rights, customer or supplier lists and contracts, manuals, operating instructions, permits, franchises, payment intangibles, the right to use the Debtor's name, and the goodwill of the Debtor's business.
General Intangibles. The respective meanings set forth in the Code.
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