Governmental Authority

Example Definitions of "Governmental Authority"
Governmental Authority. Any governmental or quasi-governmental authority, agency, authority, board, commission, or governing body authorized by federal, state or local laws or regulations as having jurisdiction over the Lender, the Borrower, the Guarantor or the Parent.
Governmental Authority. Any governmental or quasi-governmental authority, agency, authority, board, commission, or governing body authorized by federal, state or local laws or regulations as having jurisdiction over the Lender, the Borrower, the Guarantor or the Parent. Borrower.
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Governmental Authority. Any multi-national, federal, state, local, municipal or other government authority of any nature (including any governmental division, subdivision, department, agency, bureau, branch, office, commission, council, court, or other tribunal)
Governmental Authority. Any Means any multi-national, federal, state, local, municipal municipal, provincial or other government governmental authority of any nature (including any governmental division, prefecture, subdivision, department, agency, bureau, branch, office, commission, council, court, court or other tribunal)
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Governmental Authority. Means any federal, state, municipal, foreign or other government, governmental department, commission, board, bureau, agency or instrumentality, or any private or public court or tribunal.
Governmental Authority. Means Governmental Authority means any federal, state, municipal, foreign or other government, governmental department, commission, board, bureau, agency or instrumentality, or any private or public court or tribunal.
Governmental Authority. Means Governmental Authority means any federal, state, municipal, foreign or other government, governmental department, commission, board, bureau, agency or instrumentality, or any private or public court or tribunal.
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Governmental Authority. Means any federal, state, county or municipal government, or political subdivision thereof, any governmental or quasi-governmental agency, authority, board, bureau, commission, department, instrumentality, or public body, or any court, administrative tribunal, or public utility.
Governmental Authority. Means any federal, state, county or municipal government, or political subdivision thereof, any governmental or quasi-governmental quasi governmental agency, authority, board, bureau, commission, department, instrumentality, or public body, or any court, administrative tribunal, or public utility. utility, whether in the United States or any foreign jurisdiction.
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Governmental Authority. Shall mean any government, court, administrative agency or commission or other governmental agency, authority or instrumentality, domestic or foreign, of competent jurisdiction.
Governmental Authority. Shall mean any Any government, court, administrative agency or commission or other governmental agency, authority or instrumentality, domestic or foreign, of competent jurisdiction.
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Governmental Authority. Any federal, national, supranational, foreign, state, provincial, local, county, municipal or other government, or any governmental, regulatory or administrative authority, agency, department, bureau, board, commission or official, or any quasi-governmental or private body exercising any regulatory, taxing, importing or other governmental or quasi-governmental authority, or any court, tribunal, judicial or arbitral body, or any securities exchange, futures exchange, contract market, any other... exchange or corporation or similar self-regulatory body or organization. View More
Governmental Authority. The government of Canada, any other nation or any political subdivision thereof, whether provincial, state, territorial or local, and any agency, authority, instrumentality, regulatory body, court, central bank, fiscal or monetary authority or other authority regulating financial institutions, and any other entity exercising executive, legislative, judicial, taxing, regulatory or administrative powers or functions of or pertaining to government, including the Bank Committee on Banking... Regulation and Supervisory Practices of the Bank of International Settlements. View More
Governmental Authority. Any government, any governmental entity, department, commission, board, agency or instrumentality, and any court, tribunal or judicial body, in each case whether federal, state, county, provincial, local or foreign
Governmental Authority. Shall have the meaning set forth in the definition of "Tax".
Governmental Authority. Means any federal, state, local or foreign court, legislative, executive or regulatory authority or agency.
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