Governmental Authority

Example Definitions of "Governmental Authority"
Governmental Authority. Any foreign, domestic, federal, territorial, state or local governmental authority, quasi-governmental authority, court, commission, board, bureau, agency or instrumentality, or any regulatory, administrative or other department, agency, or any political or other subdivision, department or branch of any of the foregoing or any arbitrator or arbitration panel
Governmental Authority. Means, with respect to any Person, any transnational, U.S. or non-U.S., domestic or foreign, federal, state or local governmental, regulatory, judicial or administrative authority, department, court, agency or official, including any political subdivision thereof, with jurisdiction over such Person or the activity in question.
Governmental Authority. Means any state or any political subdivision thereof; any entity, authority or body exercising executive, legislative, judicial, regulatory or administrative functions on behalf of the state or its political subdivision, including, without limitation, any government authority, ministry, agency, department, board, commission or instrumentality and subdivisions thereof; any court, tribunal or arbitrator; and any self-regulatory organization acting on behalf of the state or itself pursuant to the... rights granted thereto by applicable Law. View More
Governmental Authority. Shall mean shall mean all Federal, State, County, municipal or other governmental or quasi-governmental units however denominated, and any agency, division, department or public official thereof, now or hereafter having jurisdiction, in any respect, over the Premises.
Governmental Authority. The government of any nation, state, city, locality or other political subdivision of any thereof, and any entity exercising executive, legislative, judicial, regulatory or administrative functions of or pertaining to government or any international regulatory body having or asserting jurisdiction over a Person, its business or its properties.
Governmental Authority. Any governmental, regulatory or administrative body, agency, subdivision or authority, any court or judicial authority, arbitrator (public or private) or any public, private or industry regulatory authority, whether national, federal, state, local, foreign or otherwise
Governmental Authority. Any federal, state or local government or any court, tribunal, administrative agency or commission or other governmental or other regulatory authority or agency, domestic, foreign or supranational
Governmental Authority. Shall mean any nation, territory, or government (or union thereof), foreign, domestic, or multinational, any state, local, or other political subdivision thereof, and any bureau, court, tribunal, board, commission, department, agency, or other entity exercising executive, legislative, judicial, regulatory, or administrative functions of government, including all taxing authorities, and all other entities exercising regulatory authority over manufacture, testing, marketing, use, sale, handling,... storage, or distribution of medical products or devices. View More
Governmental Authority. Means any court, administrative agency, tribunal, department, bureau or commission or other governmental authority, instrumentality or arbitral body, domestic or foreign, federal, state, local or provincial
Governmental Authority. Any federal, provincial, state, municipal, or other local government or quasi-governmental or private body exercising any statutory, regulatory, expropriation or taxing authority under the authority of any of the foregoing governments or any Laws and includes any ministry, department, commission, bureau, board, administrative or other agency or regulatory body or instrumentality thereof, and any judicial, quasi-judicial, arbitration or administrative court, tribunal, commission, board or panel... acting under the authority of any of the foregoing persons or any Laws View More
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