Intellectual Property Rights

Example Definitions of "Intellectual Property Rights"
Intellectual Property Rights. Means all intellectual property rights throughout the world, whether common law or statutory, whether existing now or in the future, including without limitation: (a) all patent rights and other rights in inventions and ornamental designs; (b) all copyrights and other rights in works of authorship, software, mask works, databases, compilations, and collections of information; (c) all rights in trademarks, service marks, and other proprietary trade designations; and (d) all rights in know-how... and trade secrets. View More
Intellectual Property Rights. To the extent that any of the following are recognized in any country or jurisdiction in the world: intellectual property and proprietary rights, whether registered or unregistered, including, without limitation, copyrights; patent rights (including, without limitation, applications for patent protection); publicity rights; trade secret rights; registered or otherwise protected trademarks, trade names and service marks; and protections from trademark dilution
Intellectual Property Rights. Any and all intellectual property rights, including, without limitation, (i) all rights, title and interest in all patents and patent applications, including any reissue, divisional, continuation-in-part and substitution patents and/or applications throughout the world; (ii) all rights, title and interest in all trade secrets, and all trade secret rights, and all equivalent rights, under common law, state law, federal law and the law of any country or political subdivision thereof; (iii) all... rights, title and interest in all copyrights and copyrighted or copyrightable subject matter, copyright rights and other literary property or author's rights, whether or not protectable by copyright; (iv) all rights, title and interest in any and all know-how, whether or not patentable, copyrightable, or protectable as trade secrets and (v) all rights, title and interest in any and all trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos and slogans, throughout the world, whether or not applied for or registered. View More
Intellectual Property Rights. Means all patents and patent applications, trade marks (whether registered or unregistered and including any goodwill acquired in such trade marks), service marks, trade names, business names, copyrights, moral rights, design rights, rights in know-how, rights in confidential information, rights in inventions (whether patentable or not) and all other intellectual property and proprietary rights (whether registered or unregistered, and any application for the foregoing), and all other equivalent... or similar rights which may subsist anywhere in the world. View More
Intellectual Property Rights. All of each Grantor's rights, title and interest in and to Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property Rights. Any or all of the following and all rights in, arising out of, or associated therewith: (i) any and all U.S. and foreign patents issued by the patent-granting authority in any country in the world, together with any and all reissues, divisionals, renewals, extensions, provisionals, continuations, continuations-in-part, reexaminations, post-grant reviews, foreign counterparts or equivalents of any of the foregoing, wherever and whenever existing; (ii) all inventions, developments, discoveries,... improvements, trade secrets, proprietary information, know-how, technology, software, technical data, and all documentation embodying or evidencing any of the foregoing; (iii) copyrights (including the rights under Articles 27 and 28 of the Japanese Copyright Act), copyright registrations and applications therefor and all other rights corresponding thereto throughout the world; (iv) mask works, mask work registrations and applications therefor, and any equivalent or similar rights in semiconductor masks, layouts, architectures or topology; (v) industrial designs and any registrations and applications therefor throughout the world; (vi) all rights in databases and data collections throughout the world; and (vii) any similar, corresponding or equivalent rights to any of the foregoing anywhere in the world. View More
Intellectual Property Rights. Any and all common law, statutory and other intellectual property rights, including copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents and other proprietary rights issued, honored and/or enforceable under any applicable Laws anywhere in the world
Intellectual Property Rights. Copyrights, patents (other than design patents), database rights and trade secret rights, including any registrations and applications with respect to any of the foregoing. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS does not include rights in design patents, trademarks, trade dress or registerable industrial designs and like rights involving trade identity
Intellectual Property Rights. Means any patents, copyrights, moral rights, author's rights, rights of publicity, mask work rights, trademarks, service marks, trade names, trade secrets, know-how, contract rights, licensing rights or other proprietary or intellectual property rights under the laws of any jurisdiction, whether now existing or hereafter arising.
Intellectual Property Rights. Any and all now known or hereafter existing (a) rights associated with works of authorship throughout the universe, including exclusive exploitation rights, copyrights, moral rights, and mask works; (b) trademark and trade name rights; (c) trade secret rights; (d) patents, designs, algorithms, and other industrial property rights; (e) other proprietary rights in Intellectual Property of every kind and nature throughout the universe, whether arising by operation of law, by contract or license,... or otherwise; and (f) all registrations, applications, renewals, extensions, combinations, divisions, or reissues of the foregoing View More
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