Intellectual Property Rights

Example Definitions of "Intellectual Property Rights"
Intellectual Property Rights. Or "IPRs" means all rights under or to Intellectual Property.
Intellectual Property Rights. All intellectual property rights, including, without limitation, patents, copyrights, authors' rights, mask work rights, trademarks, trade names, know-how and trade secrets, irrespective of whether such rights arise under U.S. or international intellectual property, unfair competition or trade secret laws.
Intellectual Property Rights. The rights (subject to the allocation of ownership in Section 9.2) associated with the following: (i) United States and foreign patents and patent applications including all divisionals, continuations, reissues, and continuations-in-part; (ii) copyrights, copyright registrations and copyright applications; (iii) rights in trade secrets and know how; and (iv) any similar, corresponding or equivalent rights to any of the foregoing anywhere in the world. As used in this Agreement, Intellectual... Property Rights excludes trademarks, service marks and similar designations of origin and rights therein View More
Intellectual Property Rights. All (a) Licensed Patents, patents, patent applications and patent rights; (b) rights associated with works of authorship, including copyrights, copyrights applications, copyrights restrictions, mask work rights, mask work applications and mask work registrations; (c) rights relating to the protection of 'know how', trade secrets, and confidential information; and (d) any and all patents, or applications, or divisions, continuations, continuation in part, renewals, reissues and extensions of the... foregoing (as applicable) now existing or hereafter filed, issued, or acquired or claiming the benefit or priority of the applications of Licensed Patents View More
Intellectual Property Rights. Means all intellectual property and proprietary rights throughout the world, whether existing under statute or at common law or equity, now or hereafter in force or recognized, including: (a) trade secrets, trademarks, service marks, copyrights (including all other literary and author rights), patents, inventions, designs, logos and trade dress, moral rights, mask works, rights of personality, publicity, and privacy, rights in customer information, rights (if any) in domain names; (b) any... application or right to apply for any of the rights referred to in clause (a); (c) all renewals, reissues, extensions, divisions, continuations, continuations in part, future equivalents, and restorations thereof, now or hereafter in force and effect; and (d) all rights or causes of action for infringement or misappropriation of any of the foregoing, including the right to collect and retain damages from those causes of action. View More
Intellectual Property Rights. All current and future worldwide patents, patent applications, copyrights, copyright registrations and applications therefore, mask work rights, trade secrets, and all other intellectual property rights recognized anywhere in the world, now known or later developed, and the related documentation or other tangible expression thereof, including documentation related to ownership
Intellectual Property Rights. (i) Patent Rights; (ii) rights associated with works of authorship including copyrights, copyright applications and copyright registrations; and (iii) rights relating to the protection of trade secrets, know-how and Confidential Information, but shall not include any rights to trade marks, trade names, or other distinctive brand names or logos.
Intellectual Property Rights. All intellectual property rights of the Vendor in respect of the Program Rights throughout the world and applications therefore, including: (a) all patents and applications for patents filed throughout the world after the date hereof; (b) all trademarks, service marks, trade names and registered user names throughout the world, including registrations and applications for registration thereof, if any; (c) all copyright registrations throughout the world and applications therefor, and any other... nonregistered copyrights; and (d) all designs, plans, nonmarketing trade secrets, inventions, processes, procedures, research records, manufacturing know-how and manufacturing formulae, wherever located. View More
Intellectual Property Rights. Shall mean whether or not reduced to writing, all discoveries, inventions, all rights to inventions, patents, patent applications and issued patents, data, including patient records, proprietary formulation, non-clinical and clinical data, FDA registrations, market information and plans, designs, design applications and design registrations, trade marks, trade mark applications, trade mark registration, trade names, trade dresses, service marks, logos (whether registered or unregistered),... copyright, copyright applications and registrations, and all other rights and intellectual property relating to the Product now or hereafter owned, held or used by INALCO or any of its Affiliates or Subsidiaries; without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Intellectual Property Rights shall include the Patent Rights, the Trademarks, the Know-How (each as defined herein) and all other rights and intellectual property now or hereafter owned, held or used by INALCO or any of its Affiliates or Subsidiaries. View More
Intellectual Property Rights. Applicable to the manufacturing, marketing, distributing, licensing and selling its veneer products in the "B2C Market" (as defined therein)
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