
Example Definitions of "Invention"
Invention. Means any new or useful method, process, manufacture, compound or composition of matter, whether or not patentable or copyrightable, or any improvement thereof arising during the Term with respect to the Product, its Manufacture and/or use.
Invention. Means any and all discoveries, developments, Improvements, modifications and other inventions (whether patentable or not patentable) specifically related to the Licensed Product or otherwise necessary or useful for CFDA application, training of clinical staff in China, or commercialization of the Licensed Product made in the course of activities performed under this Agreement by or on behalf of either party or both parties.
Invention. Any new or useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter relating to or comprising the API or Product, and any improvement, enhancement, modification or derivative work to any Daiichi Sankyo Technology, that is conceived or first reduced to practice or first demonstrated to have utility during the Term in connection with the Parties' activities to develop, manufacture and commercialize the API and Product worldwide.
Invention. Means any and all inventions, trade secrets, discoveries, developments, know-how, methods, techniques, formulae, processes and compositions of matter, whether or not patentable, conceived, reduced to practice, created, or otherwise resulting from or derived from or directly relating to Customer's and/or Evonik's performance under this Agreement.
Invention. Discoveries, concepts, and ideas, whether or not patentable or copyrightable, including but not limited to improvements, know-how, data, processes, methods, formulae, and techniques, as well as improvements thereof, or know-how related thereto, concerning any past, present or prospective activities of the Company which the Executive makes, discovers or conceives (whether or not during the hours of his engagement of with the use of the Company's facilities, materials or personnel), either solely... or jointly with others during his engagement by the Company or any affiliate and, if based on or related to Proprietary Information, at any time after termination of such engagement. View More
Invention. Any idea, concept, discovery, invention, development, technology, work of authorship, trade secret, software, firmware, library, component, tool, mask work, process, method, technique, know-how, show-how, data, plan, formula, device, apparatus, specification, design, documentation or other material or information, tangible or intangible, whether or not it may be patented, copyrighted or otherwise protected (including all versions, modifications, enhancements and derivative works thereof).
Invention. Means any conception, reduction to practice, discovery or invention, whether or not patentable, made by a Party or jointly by the Parties during the Term in performing the Trial Development Program, the Commercial Development Program (including performance of the Laboratory Services), or Commercial Testing.
Invention. Means any development, information, invention, improvement, know-how, data or intellectual property, whether or not reduced to practice and whether or not patentable.
Invention. Any and all significant conceptions and ideas for inventions, improvements and valuable discoveries, whether patentable or not, which are (i) conceived or made by the Executive, solely or jointly with another, during the Employment Period, (ii) directly related to the business or activities of the Company or its Subsidiaries, and (iii) conceived by the Executive as a result of the Executive's employment by the Company
Invention. Means any patentable invention or discovery (a) that is conceived and reduced to practice in the performance of the Research during the Research Period ("Research Invention") and/or (b) conceived and/or reduced to practice by the Principal Investigator (during his employment with the Technion or within one year thereafter) in the performance of services for Licensee ("Consulting Invention").
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