Involuntary Termination

Example Definitions of "Involuntary Termination"
Involuntary Termination. A termination of Employee's employment by the Company and its Affiliates without Cause, or Employee's voluntary termination of employment with the Company and each of its Affiliates for Good Reason.
Involuntary Termination. Means (1) termination of the Employee's employment by the Company without Cause, as defined above in paragraph (b) or (2) the Employee's voluntary termination, upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the Company, within thirty (30) days following (i) a material reduction in job responsibilities inconsistent with the Employee's position with the Company and the Employee's prior responsibilities or (ii) relocation to a facility or location more than 50 miles from the Company's current... location, in either case without the Employee's written consent; provided that the Employee has not engaged in conduct constituting a basis for termination for Cause. View More
Involuntary Termination. Shall mean (i) without the Employee's express written consent, the significant reduction of the Employee's duties, authority or responsibilities, relative to the Employee's duties, authority or responsibilities as in effect immediately prior to such reduction, or the assignment to Employee of such reduced duties, authority or responsibilities, except to the extent provided in the last paragraph of Section 5(a); provided, however, that so long as Employee remains the Vice President, General... Counsel and Secretary of the Companies (or, to the extent provided in the last paragraph of Section 5(a), either Company), or, following a Change of Control of either or both of the Companies, whatever entity or entities substantially contains the Companies' business, in either case with the duties, authority and responsibilities that are commensurate with such position, then Employee shall have no grounds for an Involuntary Termination pursuant to this Section 9(f)(i) or 9(f)(viii); provided, further, that if Employee reports to someone other than the CEOs of the Companies, that shall not in and of itself constitute grounds for an Involuntary Termination pursuant to this Section 9(f)(i) or 9(f)(viii); (ii) without the Employee's express written consent, a substantial reduction, without good business reasons, of the facilities and perquisites (including office space and location) available to the Employee immediately prior to such reduction; (iii) a reduction in the base salary or Target Bonus of the Employee as in effect immediately prior to such reduction; (iv) a material reduction in the kind or level of employee benefits to which the Employee was entitled immediately prior to such reduction with the result that the Employee's overall benefits package is significantly reduced; (v) the relocation of the Employee to a facility or a location more than fifty miles from the Employee's then present location, without the Employee's express written consent; (vi) any purported termination of the Employee by either of the Companies that is not effected for Disability or for Cause, or, during the Change of Control Period only, any purported termination for which the grounds relied upon are not valid; (vii) the failure of either of the Companies to obtain the assumption of this Agreement by any successors contemplated in Section 10(a) below; or (viii) during the Change of Control Period only, any act or set of facts or circumstances that would, under North Carolina case law or statute constitute a constructive termination of the Employee. However, with respect to any non-Change of Control Severance Termination, an Involuntary Termination shall not be deemed to have occurred unless Employee provides written notice to the Companies describing the nature of the event that he believes forms the basis for Involuntary Termination and the Companies do not cure such event within ten (10) days following receipt of such notice. View More
Involuntary Termination. In all circumstances other than any termination of Optionee for Cause, (i) without the Optionee's express written consent, a significant diminution of the Optionee's duties, position or responsibilities relative to the Optionee's duties, position or responsibilities in effect immediately prior to such diminution, or the removal of the Optionee from such position, duties and responsibilities, unless the Optionee is provided with comparable or more significant duties, positions and... responsibilities; (ii) without the Optionee's express written consent, a substantial reduction, without good business reasons, of the quality, scope or amount of the facilities and perquisites (including office space and location) available to the Optionee immediately prior to such reduction; (iii) without the Optionee's express written consent, any reduction by the Company of the Optionee's total compensation package, including base salary and incentive compensation, as in effect immediately prior to such reduction; (iv) without the Optionee's express written consent, a material reduction by the Company in the kind or level of Optionee benefits to which the Optionee is entitled immediately prior to such reduction, to the extent Optionee's overall benefit package is reduced to a disproportionately greater extent than other senior executive officers of the Company; or (v) without the Optionee's express written consent, the imposition of a requirement for the relocation of the Optionee to a facility or a location more than 40 miles from the Optionee's current work location View More
Involuntary Termination. That the Executive's employment is terminated by the Company without Cause. The termination of the Executive's employment as a result of the death or disability of the Executive shall not, in any event, be deemed to be an "Involuntary Termination." Transferring employment to a Successor shall not be considered an Involuntary Termination under this Agreement.
Involuntary Termination. Shall mean any termination which does not result from a Voluntary Termination by the Employee, however, the term Involuntary Termination shall not include a Termination for Cause by the Company, or any termination as a result of death, disability, or retirement pursuant to a retirement plan to which the Employee participated in prior to the Change of Control.
Involuntary Termination. Either (a) termination of Service without Cause or (b) resignation from Service for Good Reason.
Involuntary Termination. Shall mean a termination of Employee's employment by the Company or an affiliate for a reason other than for Cause.
Involuntary Termination. Shall mean a termination of the Employee's employment either (i) by the Company or an affiliate for a reason other than for Cause or (ii) by the Employee for Good Reason.
Involuntary Termination. The Optionee's termination of Employment from the Company on account of a termination by the Company without Cause, other than on account of death or Disability, or by the Optionee for Good Reason.
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