
Example Definitions of "Losses"
Losses. Any damages, losses, claims, suits, proceedings, liabilities, costs and expenses (including settlement costs and any reasonable expenses for investigation or defense of any actions or threatened actions), all of which, with respect to the Seller, shall be subject to Paragraph 15(m)
Losses. Any and all Liabilities, costs, expenses, claims, agreements, judicial decisions, fines, judicial or administrative proceedings, penalties, third party obligations, charges, and material losses, arising from a final and unappealable decision, provided that Losses shall not include moral damages
Losses. Any liabilities, damages, costs or expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees and expert fees, incurred by any Party that arise from any claim, lawsuit or other action by a Third Party
Losses. All losses, damages, costs, expenses, liabilities, judgments, awards, fines, penalties, assessments, charges and amounts paid in settlement (net of insurance proceeds actually received), including (i) interest on cash disbursements in respect of any of the foregoing at the Reference Rate in effect from time to time, compounded quarterly, from the date each such cash disbursement is made until the Person incurring such disbursement shall have been indemnified in respect thereof and (ii)... reasonable costs, fees and expenses of attorneys, accountants and other agents of, or other Persons retained by, such Person. View More
Losses. Means any out of pocket losses, liabilities, damages, claims costs or expenses (including, without limitation, interest, penalties and attorneys' fees and disbursements); provided, however, that "Losses" shall not include consequential, punitive or special damages or lost profits except to the extent payable in respect of a third party claim
Losses. N/A
Losses. Means liabilities, losses, damages, claims, actions, costs, expenses, interest, awards, judgments, fines and penalties (including reasonable attorneys' fees).
Losses. Any loss, liability, obligation, claim, contingency, damage, cost or expense, including all judgments, amounts paid in settlements, court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of investigation related thereto.
Losses. The total of all amounts which Indemnified Party becomes, or may become, legally obligated to pay in connection with any Proceeding, including (without limitation) judgments, penalties, fines, court or investigative costs, amounts paid in settlement, amounts lost or ordered forfeited pursuant to injunctive sanctions, and all Litigation Costs.
Losses. All claims, losses, liabilities, obligations, payments, damages, charges, judgments, fines, penalties, costs and expenses of any kind or character with the exception of consequential, punitive, incidental and special damages, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys' fees and costs and expenses resulting from any claims, demand, action, suit or similar proceeding
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