Patent Rights

Example Definitions of "Patent Rights"
Patent Rights. The United States patent applications listed in Exhibit A, patent applications covering invention disclosures listed in Exhibit A, and any divisional, continuation, or continuation-in-part of those patent applications to the extent the claims are directed to subject matter specifically described therein as well as any patents issued on these patent applications and any reissues or reexaminations or extensions of the patents, and any foreign counterparts to any of the foregoing.
Patent Rights. The United States patent applications listed in on Exhibit A, patent applications covering invention disclosures listed in Exhibit A, A and any divisional, continuation, or continuation-in-part of those patent applications to the extent the claims are directed to subject matter specifically described therein as well as any patents issued on these patent applications and any reissues or reexaminations or extensions of the patents, and any foreign counterparts to the patents and patent... applications. The parties shall periodically amend Exhibit A to include any of the foregoing. additional Patent Rights that arise View More
Patent Rights. The United States patent applications listed in on Exhibit A, patent applications covering invention disclosures listed in Exhibit A, A and any divisional, continuation, or continuation-in-part of those patent applications to the extent the claims are directed to subject matter specifically described therein as well as any patents issued on these patent applications and any reissues or reexaminations or extensions of the those patents, and any foreign counterparts to those patents and patent... applications. Exhibit A shall be periodically amended to include any of additional Patent Rights that may arise. Patent Rights include improvements to the foregoing. Patent Rights developed by Dr. Michael Czech. View More
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Patent Rights. (a) the United States and international patents listed on Appendix A; (b) the United States and international patent applications and/or provisional applications listed on Appendix A and the resulting patents; (c) any patent applications resulting from the provisional applications listed on Appendix A, and any divisionals, continuations, continuation-in-part applications, and continued prosecution applications (and their relevant international equivalents) of the patent applications listed on... Appendix A and of such patent applications that result from the provisional applications listed on Appendix A, to the extent the claims are directed to subject matter specifically described in the patent applications listed on Appendix A, and the resulting patents; (d) any patents resulting from reissues, reexaminations, or extensions (and their relevant international equivalents) of the patents described in (a), (b), and (c) above; and (e) international (non-United States) patent applications and provisional applications filed after the EFFECTIVE DATE and the relevant international equivalents to divisionals, continuations, continuation-in-part applications and continued prosecution applications of the patent applications to the extent the claims are directed to subject matter specifically described in the patents or patent applications referred to in (a), (b), (c), and (d) above, and the resulting patents. View More
Patent Rights. (a) the United States and international patents listed on Appendix A; (b) the United States and international patent applications and/or provisional applications listed on Appendix A and the resulting patents; patents issuing therefrom; (c) any patent applications resulting claiming priority to or converted from the provisional applications listed on Appendix A, and any divisionals, continuations, continuation-in-part applications, and continued prosecution applications (and their relevant... international equivalents) of the patent applications listed on Appendix A and of such patent applications that result claiming priority to or converted from the provisional applications listed on Appendix A, to the extent the claims are directed to subject matter specifically described in the patent applications listed on Appendix A, and the resulting patents; patents issuing therefrom; (d) any patents resulting issuing from reissues, reexaminations, or extensions (and their relevant international equivalents) of the patents described in (a), (b), and (c) above; and (e) international (non-United States) patent applications and provisional applications filed after the EFFECTIVE DATE and claiming priority to any of the applications listed on Exhibit A or converted from any provisional applications listed on Appendix A and the relevant international equivalents to divisionals, continuations, continuation-in-part applications and continued prosecution applications of the those patent applications to the extent the claims are directed to subject matter specifically described in the patents or patent applications referred to in (a), (b), (c), and (d) above, and the resulting patents. patents issuing therefrom. View More
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Patent Rights. The rights and interests in and to (i) issued patents and pending patent applications without limitation to any country, including, without limitation, all provisional applications, substitutions, continuations, continuations-in-part, divisionals and renewals, all letters patent granted thereon, if any, and all reissues, reexaminations and extensions thereof, and supplemental protection certificates of invention and utility models and (ii) copyrights with respect to data Controlled by a Party.
Patent Rights. The rights and interests in and to (i) issued patents and pending patent applications without limitation to in any country, including, without limitation, all provisional applications, substitutions, continuations, continuations-in-part, divisionals divisionals, and renewals, all letters patent granted thereon, if any, and all reissues, reexaminations and extensions thereof, and supplemental protection certificates, certificates of invention and utility models and (ii) copyrights with respect... to data Controlled by a Party. relating thereto. View More
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Patent Rights. The Valid Claims of, to the extent assigned to or otherwise obtained by The Regents, the following United States patents and patent applications: UC Case Number Application Number Application Filing Date Publication Number Title [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] Patent Rights shall further include the Valid Claims of, to the extent assigned to or otherwise obtained by The Regents, the corresponding foreign patents and patent applications which are directed to subject... matter specifically disclosed in the United States patents and/or patent applications listed herein; any reissues, reexaminations extensions, substitutions, continuations, and divisions of the United States patents and/or patent applications listed herein; continuation-in-part applications or patents (but only those Valid Claims in the continuation-in-part applications and patents that are entirely supported in the specification and entitled to the priority date of the United States patents and patent applications listed herein). View More
Patent Rights. The Means the Valid Claims of, to the extent assigned to or otherwise obtained by The Regents, the following United States patents and patent applications: UC Case Number United States Application Number Application Filing or Issue Date Publication Number Title SF2020-148-1 [***] [***] SF2020-148-2 [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] [***] SF2020-148-3 [***] [***] Patent Rights shall further include the Valid Claims of, to the extent assigned to or otherwise obtained by The Regents, the corresponding... foreign patents and patent applications which are directed to subject matter specifically disclosed in (including the United States patents and/or patent applications listed herein; PCT application ([***]) filed on [***]) and any reissues, reexaminations extensions, substitutions, continuations, divisions, and divisions of the United States patents and/or patent applications listed herein; continuation-in-part applications or patents (but only those Valid Claims in the continuation-in-part applications and patents that are entirely supported in the specification and entitled to the priority date of the United States patents and patent applications listed herein). parent application). View More
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Patent Rights. Means all patents and patent applications, including all divisionals, continuations, substitutions, re-examinations, reissues, additions, renewals, extensions, registrations, supplemental protection certificates, utility models, design patents and the like of any of the foregoing.
Patent Rights. Means all patents and patent applications, including all divisionals, continuations, substitutions, continuations-in-part, re-examinations, reissues, additions, renewals, extensions, registrations, and supplemental protection certificates, utility models, design patents certificates and the like of any of the foregoing.
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Patent Rights. Any and all present or future rights in, to and associated with the Patents throughout the world, whether arising under federal law, state law, common law, foreign law, or otherwise, including but not limited to the following: all such rights arising out of or associated with the Patents; the right (but not the obligation) to register claims under any federal, state or foreign patent law or regulation; the right (but not the obligation) to sue or bring opposition or bring cancellation... proceedings in the name of the Pledgor or the Lender for any and all past, present and future infringements of or any other damages or injury to the Patents or the Patent Rights, and the rights to damages or profits due or accrued arising out of or in connection with any such past, present or future infringement, damage or injury. View More
Patent Rights. Any and all past, present or future rights in, to and associated with the Patents throughout the world, whether arising under federal law, state law, common law, foreign law, or otherwise, including but not limited to the following: all such rights arising out of or associated with the Patents; the right (but not the obligation) to register claims under any federal, state or foreign patent law or regulation; the right (but not the obligation) to sue or bring opposition or bring cancellation... proceedings in the name of the Pledgor Assignor or the Lender Agent for any and all past, present and future infringements of or any other damages or injury to the Patents or the Patent Rights, and the rights to damages or profits due or accrued arising out of or in connection with any such past, present or future infringement, damage or injury. injury; and the Patent License Rights View More
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Patent Rights. WRF' s rights to the patents listed in Appendix A, attached hereto and incorporated herein, and any and all existing and future divisions, continuations or reissues arising therefrom or issued thereon, and rights derived from corresponding foreign patents.
Patent Rights. LICENSOR's United States and foreign patent rights relating to and/or claiming the benefit of priority to U.S. Patent Nos.
Patent Rights. All patents, patent applications and rights to file patent applications that relate to any QSTM Product or its manufacture, sale, use, design, import and export and are licensed to, owned or controlled by IMX now or in the future, including those listed on Exhibit "A" [*] Information omitted due to confidential treatment. 1 attached hereto, and including, in each case, any improvements, reissues or extensions thereof and any foreign counterparts, divisions,... continuations or continuation-in-part of any applications or substitutes therefore including any applications which may claim priority from patents included in the Patent Rights, whether listed in Exhibit "A" or otherwise View More
Patent Rights. The Alpha Patent Rights and the Beta Patent Rights
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