
Example Definitions of "Representatives"
Representatives. With respect to each Party, such Party's directors, officers, employees, consultants, and agents, and those of its Affiliates and subcontractors (including Contract Laboratories) who contribute to the performance of a Project
Representatives. See the introductory paragraphs hereof.
Representatives. With respect to any Person, the respective directors, officers, employees, counsel, accountants and other representatives of such Person
Representatives. With respect to a Person, such Person's Affiliates and their respective parents, directors, managers, officers, employees, attorneys, accountants, representatives, financial advisors, lenders, consultants, and other agents
Representatives. Shall mean, with respect to a Person, all of the officers, directors, employees, consultants, legal representatives, agents, advisors, auditors, investment bankers, and other representatives of such Person and, solely with respect to any Stockholder that is not an individual, any of its controlled Affiliates.
Representatives. With respect to a Party, its Affiliates or any employees, directors, contractors, agents or consultants of such Party or its Affiliates.
Representatives. Means, as to any Person, such Person's Affiliates, and its and their respective directors, officers, employees, managing members, general partners, agents, and consultants (including attorneys, financial advisors, and accountants). Other terms not specifically defined in this Section 1 shall have the meanings given them elsewhere in this Agreement.
Representatives. Subcontractors, representatives and agents of a party, and the employees of the foregoing (but excluding in the case of Onboarding Agent's Representatives, Provider and any Provider Representatives from such definition).
Representatives. The Company's special advisor, director nominees, agents, employees, affiliates and any other person acting on behalf of the Company
Representatives. Of a person means, such person's respective affiliates and each of such person's and such affiliates' respective officers, directors and employees, agents, advisors (including legal counsel and financial advisors), consultants, and any other persons acting under their direction, and the representatives of any of the foregoing.
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