
Example Definitions of "Services"
Services. Sales, financial, supervisory, management, engineering, scientific or any other services of the type performed for Orion by Executive (or one or more Orion executives managed, supervised or directed by Executive) during the final twenty-four (24) months preceding the Termination Date, but shall not include clerical, menial or manual labor.
Services. Sales, financial, supervisory, management, engineering, scientific or any scientific, and other services of the type performed for Orion by Executive (or or one or more Orion executives Executives managed, supervised or directed by Executive) Executive during the final twenty-four (24) months preceding the Termination Date, of Executive's Employment, but shall not include clerical, menial or manual labor.
Services. Sales, financial, supervisory, management, engineering, scientific or any scientific, and other services of the type performed for Orion by Executive (or or one or more Orion executives Executives managed, supervised or directed by Executive) Executive during the final twenty-four (24) months preceding the Termination Date, of Executive's Employment, but shall not include clerical, menial or manual labor.
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Services. Means all services planned, researched, developed, tested, manufactured, sold, licensed, leased or otherwise distributed or put into use by Company, together with all products provided or planned by Company, during Executive's employment.
Services. Means all services planned, researched, developed, tested, manufactured, sold, licensed, leased or otherwise distributed or put into use by the Company, together with all products provided or planned by the Company, during the Executive's employment.
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Services. Work performed by Clementi & Associates Ltd. for Customer pursuant to an Ordering Document agreed to by the parties in writing under this Agreement. The schedule for Services will be agreed upon by the parties subject to availability of Clementi & Associates Ltd. personnel.
Services. Any banking services provided by the Bank
Services. All work to be performed by Cobra for GenVec under this Agreement and all Service Schedules.
Services. The services to be performed by Althea for Client as described in the Project Scope.
Services. The services that Supplier shall provide WGM, as set out in article 2 and in Schedule A
Services. Any services provided by Provider to Company.
Services. The Grantee is providing services to the Company or any Consolidated Subsidiary in the capacity as an employee, a member of the board of directors of the parent company, a trustee of a Janus-affiliated investment company trust, or a consultant pursuant to a written consulting agreement
Services. The performance of services by Tesco personnel pursuant to the specifications set forth in a Quotation. The Services included within the scope of this Agreement are those which are set out in Schedule B to this Agreement.
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