
Example Definitions of "Shareholders"
Shareholders. Those Persons who own capital stock of the Mid-Tier Holding Company.
Shareholders. Those Persons who own shares of Mid-Tier Holding Company Common Stock.
Shareholders. Has the meaning ascribed thereto in the Recitals to this Instrument
Shareholders. The meaning ascribed thereto in recital (1) above
Shareholders. Has the meaning ascribed thereto in the recitals of this Warrant Agreement
Shareholders. The Shareholders of PRLX listed in Schedule 1 hereto
Shareholders. The shareholders of AB, which are subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
Shareholders. The meaning ascribed to such term in the Preamble to this Agreement
Shareholders. Means, collectively, the Subscribers, the Original Investors and the Reorganization Shareholders.
Shareholders. The Series B Investors, the Prior Investors, the Series A Investors, and any persons or entities to whom the rights granted under this Agreement are Transferred by any Series B Investor, Prior Investor or Series A Investor, their successors or assigns pursuant to Article VII, Section 3 below
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