Work Product

Example Definitions of "Work Product"
Work Product. Any and all inventions, innovations, improvements, original works of authorship, developments, concepts, methods, trade secrets, designs, analyses, drawings, reports and all similar or related information (whether or not patentable or registrable under copyright or similar laws) which are solely or jointly conceived, developed, made or reduced to practice, or caused to be conceived, developed, made or reduced to practice, by Executive while employed by the Company or any of its Affiliates with... respect to pharmaceutical products and/or medical devices; provided, however, that "Work Product" shall not include any invention that Executive developed entirely on his own time without using the Company's equipment, supplies, facilities or Confidential Information except for those inventions that either (a) relate at the time of conception or reduction to practice of the invention to the Company's business, or actual or demonstrably anticipated research or development of the Company, or (b) result from any work performed by Executive for the Company or any of its Affiliates. View More
Work Product. Shall mean all writings, works of authorship, technology, inventions, discoveries, processes, techniques, methods, ideas, concepts, research, proposals, materials and all other work product of any nature whatsoever, that are created, prepared, produced, authored, edited, amended, conceived or reduced to practice by Employee individually or jointly with others during the period of his/her employment by Employer and relate in any way to the business or contemplated business, products, activities,... research or development of Employer or result from any work performed by Employee for Employer (in each case, regardless of when or where the work product is prepared or whose equipment or other resources is used in preparing the same), all rights and claims related to the foregoing and all printed, physical and electronic copies and other tangible embodiments thereof. View More
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