Confidential Information

Example Definitions of "Confidential Information"
Confidential Information. Information, whether or not originated by the Executive, that relates to the business or affairs of the Company, its affiliates, clients or suppliers and is confidential or proprietary to, about or created by the Company, its affiliates, clients, or suppliers. Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, the following types of confidential information and other proprietary information of a similar nature (whether or not reduced to writing or designated or marked as confidential):... (i) information relating to strategies, research, communications, business plans, and financial data of the Company and any information of the Company which is not readily publicly available, (ii) work product resulting from or related to work or projects performed for or to be performed for the Company or its affiliates, including but not limited to, the methods, processes, procedures, analysis, techniques and audits used in connection therewith, (iii) any intellectual property contributed to the Company, and any other technical and business information of the Company, its subsidiaries and affiliates which is of a confidential, trade secret and/or proprietary character, (iv) internal Company personnel and financial information, supplier names and other supplier information, purchasing and internal cost information, internal services and operational manuals, and the manner and method of conducting the Company's business, (v) marketing and development plans, price and cost data, price and fee amounts, pricing and billing policies, quoting procedures, marketing techniques and methods of obtaining business, forecasts and forecast assumptions and volumes, current and prospective client lists, and future plans and potential strategies of the Company that have been or are being discussed, and (vi) all information that becomes known to the Executive as a result of this Agreement or the services performed hereunder that the Executive, acting reasonably, believes is confidential information or that the Company takes measures to protect; Confidential Information does not include any of the following: (vii) the general skills and experience gained by the Executive during the Executive's employment with the Company that the Executive could reasonably have been expected to acquire in similar retainers or engagements with other companies, (viii) information publicly known without breach of this Agreement or similar agreements, or (ix) information, the disclosure of which by the Executive is required to be made by any law, regulation or governmental authority or legal process of discovery (to the extent of the requirement), provided that before disclosure is made, notice of the requirement is provided to the Company, and to the extent reasonably possible in the circumstances, the Company is afforded an opportunity to dispute the requirement. View More
Confidential Information. Information, whether or not originated by the Executive, Contractor, that relates to the business or affairs of the Company, its affiliates, clients or suppliers and is confidential or proprietary to, about or created by the Company, its affiliates, clients, or suppliers. Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, the following types of confidential information and other proprietary information of a similar nature (whether or not reduced to writing or designated or marked as... confidential): (i) information relating to strategies, research, communications, business plans, and financial data of the Company and any information of the Company which is not readily publicly available, (ii) work product resulting from or related to work or projects performed for or to be performed for the Company or its affiliates, including but not limited to, the methods, processes, procedures, analysis, techniques and audits used in connection therewith, therewith; (ii) computer software of any type or form and in any stage of actual or anticipated development including, by way of example and not in limitation, programs and program modules, routines and subroutines, procedures, algorithms, design concepts, design specifications (design notes, annotations, documentation, flowcharts, coding sheets, and the like), source code, object code and load modules, programming, program patches and system designs; (iii) information relating to Developments prior to any intellectual property contributed to public disclosure thereof including, by way of example and not in limitation, the Company, and any other nature of the Developments, production data, technical and business engineering data, test data and test results, the status and details of research and development of products and services, and information of the Company, its subsidiaries regarding acquiring, protecting, enforcing and affiliates which is of a confidential, licensing proprietary rights (including patents, copyrights and trade secret and/or proprietary character, secrets); (iv) internal Company personnel and financial information, supplier vendor names and other supplier vendor information, purchasing and internal cost information, internal services and operational manuals, and the manner and method of conducting the Company's business, business; (v) marketing and development plans, price and cost data, price and fee amounts, pricing and billing policies, quoting procedures, marketing techniques and methods of obtaining business, forecasts and forecast assumptions and volumes, current and prospective client lists, and future plans and potential strategies of the Company that have been or are being discussed, discussed; and (vi) all information that becomes known to the Executive Contractor as a result of this Agreement or the services performed hereunder performance of the Services that the Executive, Contractor, acting reasonably, believes is confidential information Confidential Information or that the Company takes measures to protect; protect. Confidential Information does not include any of the following: include: (vii) the general skills and experience gained by the Executive during the Executive's employment Contractor's engagement with the Company that the Executive Contractor could reasonably have been expected to acquire in similar retainers or engagements with other companies, companies; (viii) information publicly known without breach of this Agreement or similar agreements, agreements; or (ix) information, the disclosure of which by the Executive is required to be made by any law, regulation or governmental authority or legal process of discovery (to the extent of the requirement), provided that before disclosure is made, notice of the requirement (and the extent of the requirement) is provided to the Company, and to Company (to the extent reasonably possible in the circumstances, circumstances), and the Company is afforded an opportunity to dispute the requirement. View More
View Variation
Confidential Information. Information, knowledge or data disclosed to or known by Executive as a consequence of or through his employment with the Company that relates to any aspect of the Company or its business and assets
Confidential Information. Information, knowledge or data disclosed to or known by Executive as a consequence of or through his her employment with the Company that relates to any aspect of the Company or its business and assets
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Confidential Information. Any confidential or proprietary information furnished by one party (the Disclosing Party) to the other party (the Receiving Party) in connection with this Agreement, provided that such information is specifically designated as confidential. Such CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION shall include, without limitation, any diligence reports furnished to M.I.T. under Section 3.1, royalty reports furnished to M.I.T. under Section 5.2 and copies of sublicenses furnished to M.I.T. under Section 2.4.
Confidential Information. Any confidential or proprietary information furnished by one party COMPANY (the Disclosing Party) "DISCLOSING PARTY'') to the other party M.I.T. Technology Licensing Office (the Receiving Party) "RECEIVING PARTY") in connection with this Agreement, provided that such information is specifically designated as confidential. Such CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION shall include, without limitation, any diligence reports furnished to M.I.T. under Section 3.1, Article 3, royalty reports furnished to M.I.T.... under Section 5.2 5.2, and copies of sublicenses furnished to M.I.T. under Section 2.4. 2.3. View More
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Confidential Information. All documents, materials and other information related to this Agreement which shall have been obtained during the course of the negotiations leading to, and during the performance of, this Agreement, excepting those items excluded from this definition by Section 9(c) of this Agreement
Confidential Information. All documents, materials materials, information about trade secrets, agreements, products, services, licenses, costs, sales and pricing information, and any other information that is generally not known in the trade or may not be known generally or publicly, and other information related to this Agreement AGREEMENT which shall have been obtained during the course of the negotiations leading to, and during the performance of, this Agreement, AGREEMENT, excepting those items excluded from this... definition by Section 9(c) of this Agreement AGREEMENT View More
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Confidential Information. Means any information (whether or not specifically labeled or identified as confidential), in any form or medium, that is disclosed to, developed, or learned by the Participant during his/her status as a Participant, that relates to the business, services, techniques, know-how, processes, methods, formulations, investments, finances, operations, plans, research or development of the Company, and that is not generally known outside of the Company. Confidential Information includes, but is not... limited to: the identity and information concerning the needs and preferences of current, former, and prospective customers; performance, compensation, and other personnel data concerning employees of the Company; business plans and strategies; plans for recruiting and hiring new personnel; trade secrets; and pricing strategies and policies. Confidential Information does not include the general skills, knowledge, and experience gained during the Participant's status as a Participant and common to others in the industry or information that is or becomes publicly available without any breach by the Participant of this Agreement. View More
Confidential Information. Means any Any information (whether or not specifically labeled or identified as confidential), "confidential"), in any form or medium, that is disclosed to, developed, or learned by the Participant during his/her status as a Participant, his or her Continuous Service, that relates to the business, services, techniques, know-how, processes, methods, formulations, investments, finances, operations, plans, research or development of the Company, and that is not generally known outside of the... Company. Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to: the identity and information concerning the needs and preferences of current, former, and prospective customers; performance, compensation, and other personnel data concerning employees of the Company; business plans and strategies; plans for recruiting and hiring new personnel; trade secrets; and pricing strategies and policies. Confidential Information does not include the general skills, knowledge, and experience gained during the Participant's status as a Participant Continuous Service and common to others in the industry or information that is or becomes publicly available without any breach by the Participant of this Agreement. View More
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Confidential Information. All information relating to the Company, its Affiliates and their respective customers and suppliers considered by the Company or its Affiliates to be confidential and proprietary including, without limitation, (a) business plans, research, development and marketing strategies, customer names and lists, product and service prices and lines, processes, designs, formulae, methods, financial information, costs and supplies and (b) the Trade Secrets (as defined below). Confidential Information may... include information which has been acquired or created by Executive or has otherwise become known to Executive through Executive's employment with Company. Confidential Information may also include information belonging to the Company's clients, customers or suppliers. "Confidential Information" shall not include the foregoing that is or becomes (i) in the public domain other than through acts by Executive, (ii) already lawfully in Executive's possession at the time of disclosure by the Company as evidenced by Executive's written records, (iii) disclosed to Executive by a third party who is not prohibited from disclosing the information pursuant to any fiduciary, contractual or other duty to any person or (iv) required by law, rule, regulation or court order to be disclosed. View More
Confidential Information. All information relating to the Company, its Affiliates and their respective customers and suppliers considered by the Company or its Affiliates to be confidential and proprietary including, without limitation, (a) business plans, research, development and marketing strategies, customer names and lists, product and service prices and lines, processes, designs, formulae, methods, financial information, costs and supplies and (b) the Trade Secrets (as defined below). Confidential Information may... include information which has been acquired or created by Executive or has otherwise become known to Executive through Executive's employment with Company. Confidential Information may also include information belonging to the Company's clients, customers or suppliers. "Confidential Information" shall not include the foregoing that is or becomes (i) in the public domain other than through acts by Executive, (ii) already lawfully in Executive's possession at the time of disclosure by the Company as evidenced by Executive's written records, (iii) disclosed to Executive by a third party who is not prohibited from disclosing the information pursuant to any fiduciary, contractual or other duty to any person or (iv) required by law, rule, regulation or court order to be disclosed. View More
Confidential Information. All information relating to the Company, its Affiliates and their respective customers and suppliers considered by the Company or its Affiliates to be confidential and proprietary including, without limitation, (a) business plans, research, development and marketing strategies, customer names and lists, product and service prices and lines, processes, designs, formulae, methods, financial information, costs and supplies and (b) the Trade Secrets (as defined below). Confidential Information may... include information which has been acquired or created by Executive or has otherwise become known to Executive through Executive's employment with Company. Confidential Information may also include information belonging to the Company's clients, customers or suppliers. "Confidential Information" shall not include the foregoing that is or becomes (i) in the public domain other than through acts by Executive, (ii) already lawfully in Executive's possession at the time of disclosure by the Company as evidenced by Executive's written records, (iii) disclosed to Executive by a third party who is not prohibited from disclosing the information pursuant to any fiduciary, contractual or other duty to any person or (iv) required by law, rule, regulation or court order to be disclosed. View More
Confidential Information. All information relating to the Company, its Affiliates and their respective customers and suppliers considered by the Company or its Affiliates to be confidential and proprietary including, without limitation, (a) business plans, research, development and marketing strategies, customer names and lists, product and service prices and lines, processes, designs, formulae, methods, financial information, costs and supplies and (b) the Trade Secrets (as defined below). Confidential Information may... include information which has been acquired or created by Executive or has otherwise become known to Executive through Executive's employment with Company. Confidential Information may also include information belonging to the Company's clients, customers or suppliers. "Confidential Information" shall not include the foregoing that is or becomes (i) in the public domain other than through acts by Executive, (ii) already lawfully in Executive's possession at the time of disclosure by the Company as evidenced by Executive's written records, (iii) disclosed to Executive by a third party who is not prohibited from disclosing the information pursuant to any fiduciary, contractual or other duty to any person or (iv) required by law, rule, regulation or court order to be disclosed. View More
View Variation
Confidential Information. All information and data that (a) is provided by one party to the other party under this Agreement, and (b) if disclosed in writing or other tangible medium is marked or identified as confidential at the time of disclosure to the recipient, is acknowledged at the time of disclosure to be confidential, or otherwise should reasonably be deemed to be confidential. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Confidential Information of a party shall not include that portion of such information and data which,... and only to the extent, the recipient can establish by written documentation: (i) is known to the recipient as evidenced by its written records before receipt thereof from the disclosing party, (ii) is disclosed to the recipient free of confidentiality obligations by a third person who has the right to make such disclosure, (iii) is or becomes part of the public domain through no fault of the recipient, or (iv) the recipient can reasonably establish is independently developed by persons on behalf of recipient without use of the information disclosed by the disclosing party View More
Confidential Information. All information and data that (a) is provided by one party to the other party under this Agreement, Agreement or the Confidentiality Agreement signed by Halozyme and Baxter on August 14, 2003 (as amended, the "Confidentiality Agreement"), and (b) if disclosed in writing or other tangible medium is marked or identified as confidential at the time of disclosure to the recipient, or is acknowledged at the time of disclosure to be confidential, or otherwise should reasonably be deemed to be... confidential. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Confidential Information of a party shall not include that portion of such information and data which, and only to the extent, the recipient can establish by written documentation: (i) is known to the recipient as evidenced by its written records before receipt thereof from the disclosing party, (ii) is disclosed to the recipient free of confidentiality obligations by a third person who has the right to make such disclosure, (iii) is or becomes part of the public domain through no fault of the recipient, or (iv) the recipient can reasonably establish is independently developed by persons on behalf of recipient without access to or use of the information disclosed by the disclosing party View More
View Variation
Confidential Information. All information, whether in tangible form or not, (a) provided by either party and/or its Affiliates hereunder to the other, or (b) generated by Contractor in the performance of any Project, including but not limited to: any information about manufacturing, testing/analysis methods or processes; any Products or products (whether investigational or not), Synergy Materials, samples, specimens, and other materials or compounds, sub-samples, and retention samples; analyses and the results of such... analyses, information on research and development compounds, technical know-how; formulas; studies; regulatory submissions and records; research data and information; financial information; sales and marketing information (including, without limitation, service proposals, price quotations and customer lists); inventions; patent applications and other trade secrets; information relating to potential new transactions and business between the parties; and all information developed or prepared by either party pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, each in any form (including but not limited to information provided orally, electronically, or in writing). Product Intellectual Property generated by Contractor in the performance of any Project shall be the Confidential Information of Contractor. To avoid misunderstanding, in order to be treated as Confidential Information hereunder, disclosures initially made in tangible form shall be marked as "Confidential Information" or similar legend, and disclosures initially made in non-tangible form shall be identified as confidential information at the time of initial disclosure and subsequently summarized in a writing provided to the recipient within thirty (30) days of the initial disclosure View More
Confidential Information. All information, information and materials, whether in tangible form tangible, electronic, oral or not, visual form, (a) provided by either party and/or its Affiliates hereunder to the other, or other party, (b) generated by Contractor in the performance of any Project, including Project (including but not limited to: to any information about manufacturing, testing/analysis methods or processes; any processes, Products or products (whether investigational or not), Synergy Materials, samples,... specimens, and other materials or compounds, sub-samples, and retention samples; analyses and the results of such analyses, information on research and development compounds, technical know-how; formulas; studies; regulatory submissions and records; research data and information; financial information; sales and marketing information (including, without limitation, service proposals, price quotations and customer lists); inventions; patent applications and other trade secrets; secrets, (c) information relating to potential new transactions and business between the parties; and (d) all information developed or prepared by either party pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, each in any form (including but not limited to information provided orally, electronically, or in writing). Product Intellectual Property generated by Contractor in the performance of any Project shall be the Confidential Information of Contractor. To avoid misunderstanding, in order to be treated as Confidential Information hereunder, disclosures initially made in tangible form shall be marked as "Confidential Information" or similar legend, and disclosures initially made in non-tangible form shall be identified as confidential information at the time of initial disclosure and subsequently summarized in a writing provided to the recipient within thirty (30) days of the initial disclosure Agreement. View More
View Variation
Confidential Information. Shall mean (i) any and all trade secrets, product and business plans; (ii) any and all non-public information concerning the business and affairs of the Manager (which includes, but is not limited to, historical financial statements, financial projections and budgets, historical and projected sales, capital spending budgets and plans, the names and backgrounds of key personnel, personnel training and techniques and materials), however documented; and (iii) any and all notes, analysis,... compilations, studies, summaries, and other material prepared by or for the Manager containing or based, in whole or in part, on any information included in the foregoing. View More
Confidential Information. Shall mean (i) any and all trade secrets, product and business plans; (ii) any and all non-public information concerning the business and affairs of the Manager Company (which includes, but is not limited to, historical financial statements, financial projections and budgets, historical and projected sales, capital spending budgets and plans, the names and backgrounds of key personnel, personnel training and techniques and materials), however documented; and (iii) any and all notes, analysis,... compilations, studies, summaries, and other material prepared by or for the Manager Company containing or based, in whole or in part, on any information included in the foregoing. View More
View Variation
Confidential Information. Any confidential or proprietary information relating to USA or its customers or affiliates that is not a Trade Secret.
Confidential Information. Any Shall mean any confidential or proprietary information relating to USA or its customers or affiliates that is not a Trade Secret.
Confidential Information. Any Shall mean any confidential or proprietary information relating to USA or its customers or affiliates that is not a Trade Secret.
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