Confidential Information

Example Definitions of "Confidential Information"
Confidential Information. Means data and information relating to the Business of the Bank or an Affiliated Company (which does not rise to the status of a Trade Secret) which is or has been disclosed to you or of which you became aware as a consequence of or through your relationship to the Bank or an Affiliated Company and which has value to the Bank or an Affiliated Company and is not generally known to its competitors. Without limiting the foregoing, Confidential Information shall include: i. the names, addresses and... banking requirements of the customers of the Bank and the nature and amount of business done with such customers; ii. the names and addresses of employees and other business contacts of the Bank; iii. the particular names, methods and procedures utilized by the Bank in the conduct and advertising of its business; iv. application, operating system, communication and other computer software and derivatives thereof, including, without limitation, sources and object codes, flow charts, coding sheets, routines, subrouting and related documentation and manuals of the Bank; and v. marketing techniques, purchasing information, pricing policies, loan policies, quoting procedures, financial information, customer data and other materials or information relating to State Bank's manner of doing business. Confidential Information shall not include any data or information that has been voluntarily disclosed to the public by the Bank or the Holding Company (except where such public disclosure has been made by you without authorization) or that has been independently developed and disclosed by others, or that otherwise enters the public domain through lawful means. View More
Confidential Information. Means data Data and information relating to the Business of the Bank or an Affiliated Company (which does not rise to the status of a Trade Secret) which is or has been disclosed to you the Officer or of which you the Officer became aware as a consequence of or through your the Officer's relationship to the Bank or an Affiliated Company and which has value to the Bank or an Affiliated Company and is not generally known to its competitors. Without limiting the foregoing, Confidential Information... shall include: i. (i) the names, addresses and banking requirements of the customers of the Bank and the nature and amount of business done with such customers; ii. (ii) the names and addresses of employees and other business contacts of the Bank; iii. (iii) the particular names, methods and procedures utilized by the Bank in the conduct and advertising of its business; iv. (iv) application, operating system, communication and other computer software and derivatives thereof, including, without limitation, sources and object codes, flow charts, coding sheets, routines, subrouting and related documentation and manuals of the Bank; and v. (v) marketing techniques, purchasing information, pricing policies, loan policies, quoting procedures, financial information, customer data and other materials or information relating to State the Bank's manner of doing business. Confidential Information shall not include any data or information that has been voluntarily disclosed to the public by the Bank or the Holding Company (except where such public disclosure has been made by you the Officer without authorization) or that has been independently developed and disclosed by others, or that otherwise enters the public domain through lawful means. View More
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Confidential Information. All intellectual property, including, but not limited to, software and other technical data, products and product designs, and information, materials and documents relating to products, product designs, product testing, markets, business plans, business opportunities and trade secrets, disclosed, orally or in any written form, by one Party to another under this Agreement or the Engineering Agreement, but which is non-public, private or proprietary in nature. Confidential Information shall also... include all summaries, analyses, documents, memoranda, notes and other writings, including, but not limited to, this Agreement, prepared by either Party containing or based on other Confidential Information View More
Confidential Information. All Means all intellectual property, including, but not limited to, including software and other technical data, products and product designs, and information, materials and documents relating to products, product designs, product testing, markets, business plans, including financial information, business opportunities and trade secrets, disclosed, orally or in any written form, by one Party party to another under this Agreement or the Engineering Agreement, but which is non-public, private or... proprietary in nature. Confidential Information shall also include all summaries, analyses, documents, memoranda, notes and other writings, including, but not limited to, including all the terms, conditions and definitions of this Agreement, agreement and any and all exhibits attached hereto, prepared by either Party party containing or based on other Confidential Information Information; View More
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Confidential Information. Trade secrets, confidential or proprietary information, and all other information, documents or materials owned, developed or possessed by the Company or its Affiliates that are not generally known to the public. Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, customer lists, preferences and contacts, financial information, business plans, product cost or pricing, information regarding future development, locations or acquisitions, personnel records and software programs. Confidential... Information shall not include any information (a) that is or becomes generally publicly available (other than as a result of violation of this Agreement by Executive), (b) that Executive receives on a non-confidential basis from a source (other than the Company) that is not known by him to be bound by an obligation of secrecy or confidentiality to the Company, or (c) that was in the possession of Executive prior to disclosure by the Company. View More
Confidential Information. Trade Shall mean trade secrets, confidential or proprietary information, and all other information, documents or materials owned, developed or possessed by the Company or its Affiliates that are not generally known to the public. public or within the industry of the Company. Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, customer lists, preferences and contacts, financial information, business plans, product cost or pricing, information regarding future development, locations or... acquisitions, personnel records (including records of the Company's clients) and software programs. Confidential Information shall not include any information (a) that is or becomes generally publicly available (other than as a result of violation of this Agreement by Executive), (b) that Executive receives on a non-confidential basis from a source (other than the Company) that is not known by him to be bound by an obligation of secrecy or confidentiality to the Company, or (c) that was in the possession of Executive prior to disclosure by the Company. Executive). View More
Confidential Information. Trade Shall mean trade secrets, confidential or proprietary information, and all other information, documents or materials owned, developed or possessed by the Company or its Affiliates that are not generally known to the public. public or within the industry of the Company. Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, customer lists, preferences and contacts, financial information, business plans, product cost or pricing, information regarding future development, locations or... acquisitions, personnel records (including records of the Company's clients) and software programs. Confidential Information shall not include any information (a) that is or becomes generally publicly available (other than as a result of violation of this Agreement by Executive), (b) that Executive receives on a non-confidential basis from a source (other than the Company) that is not known by him to be bound by an obligation of secrecy or confidentiality to the Company, or (c) that was in the possession of Executive prior to disclosure by the Company. Executive). View More
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Confidential Information. Shall mean all the technical information, whether tangible or intangible, including (without limitation) any and all data, techniques, discoveries, inventions, processes, know-how, patent applications, inventor certificates, trade secrets, methods of production and other proprietary information, that either Party or its Affiliates have ownership rights to (as either owner, licensee or sub-licensee), or may hereafter obtain rights.
Confidential Information. Shall mean all the technical information, whether tangible or intangible, including (without limitation) any and all specification data, techniques, discoveries, inventions, processes, know-how, patents, patent applications, inventor certificates, trademarks, trade names, other intellectual property information, trade secrets, methods of production and other proprietary information, that either Party or its Affiliates have ownership rights to (as either owner, licensee or sub-licensee), or may... hereafter obtain rights. View More
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Confidential Information. All business practices, methods, techniques, or processes that: (i) derives independent economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to, and not being readily ascertainable by proper means by, other persons who can obtain economic value from its disclosure or use; and (ii) is the subject of efforts that are reasonable under the circumstances to maintain its secrecy. Confidential Information also includes, but is not limited to, files, letters, memoranda, reports, records,... computer disks or other computer storage medium, data, models or any photographic or other tangible materials containing such information, Customer lists and names and other information, Customer contracts, other corporate contracts, computer programs, proprietary technical information and/or strategies, sales, promotional or marketing plans or strategies, programs, techniques, practices, any expansion plans (including existing and entry into new geographic and/or product markets), pricing information, product or service offering specifications or plans thereof, business plans, financial information and other financial plans, data pertaining to the Company's operating performance, employee lists, salary information, Personal Information, Protected Health Information, all information the Company receives from customers or other third parties that is not generally known to the public or is subject to a confidentiality agreement, training manuals, and other materials and business information of a similar nature, including information about the Company itself or any affiliated entity, which Employee acknowledges and agrees has been compiled by the Company's expenditure of a great amount of time, money and effort, and that contains detailed information that could not be created independently from public sources. Further, all data, spreadsheets, reports, records, know-how, verbal communication, proprietary and technical information and/or other confidential materials of similar kind transmitted by the Company to Employee or developed by the Employee on behalf of the Company as Work Product (as defined in Paragraph 7) are expressly included within the definition of "Confidential Information." The Parties further agree that the fact the Company may be seeking to complete a business transaction is "Confidential Information" within the meaning of this Agreement, as well as all notes, analysis, work product or other material derived from Confidential Information. Nevertheless, Confidential Information shall not include any information of any kind which (1) is in the possession of the Employee prior to the date of this Agreement, as shown by the Employee's files and records, or (2) prior or after the time of disclosure becomes part of the public knowledge or literature, not as a result of any violation of this Agreement, any violation of any similar agreement with any other party or inaction or action of the receiving party, or (3) is rightfully received from a third party without any obligation of confidentiality; or (4) independently developed after termination without reference to the Confidential Information or materials based thereon; or (5) is disclosed pursuant to the order or requirement of a court, administrative agency, or other government body; or (6) is approved for release by the non-disclosing party. View More
Confidential Information. All business practices, methods, techniques, or processes that: (i) derives independent economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to, and not being readily ascertainable by proper means by, other persons who can obtain economic value from its disclosure or use; and (ii) is the subject of efforts that are reasonable under the circumstances to maintain its secrecy. Confidential Information also includes, but is not limited to, files, letters, memoranda, reports, records,... computer disks or other computer storage medium, data, models or any photographic or other tangible materials containing such information, Customer lists and names and other information, Customer contracts, other corporate contracts, computer programs, proprietary technical information and/or and or strategies, sales, promotional or marketing plans or strategies, programs, techniques, practices, any expansion plans (including existing and entry into new geographic and/or product markets), pricing information, product or service offering specifications or plans thereof, business plans, financial information and other financial plans, data pertaining to the Company's operating performance, employee lists, salary information, Personal Information, Protected Health Information, all information the Company receives from customers or other third parties that is not generally known to the public or is subject to a confidentiality agreement, training manuals, and other materials and business information of a similar nature, including information about the Company itself or any affiliated entity, Affiliated Entity, which Employee Contractor acknowledges and agrees has been compiled by the Company's expenditure of a great amount of time, money and effort, and that contains detailed information that could not be created independently from public sources. Further, all data, spreadsheets, reports, records, know-how, verbal communication, proprietary and technical information and/or other confidential materials of similar kind transmitted by the Company or any Affiliated Entity to Employee Contractor or developed by the Employee Contractor on behalf of the Company or any Affiliate Entity as Work Product (as defined in Paragraph 7) are expressly included within the definition of "Confidential Information." The Parties further agree that the fact the Company or any Affiliated Entity may be seeking to complete a business transaction is "Confidential Information" within the meaning of this Agreement, as well as all notes, analysis, work product or other material derived from Confidential Information. Nevertheless, Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, Confidential Information shall does not include any information of any kind which (1) is generally known to third parties in the possession of the Employee prior to the date of this Agreement, as shown by the Employee's files and records, or (2) prior or after the time of disclosure becomes part of the public knowledge or literature, not as a result of any violation of this Agreement, any violation of any similar agreement with any other party or inaction or action of the receiving party, or (3) is rightfully received from a third party without any obligation of confidentiality; or (4) independently developed after termination without reference to the Confidential Information or materials based thereon; or (5) is disclosed pursuant to the order or requirement of a court, administrative agency, or other government body; or (6) is approved for release by the non-disclosing party. industry. View More
View Variation
Confidential Information. Any non-public information of the parties hereto relating to its business activities, financial affairs, technology, marketing or sales plans that is disclosed to, and received by, the other party pursuant to the Agreement. Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, the terms and pricing of the Agreement. Confidential Information shall not include information which: (i) is or becomes public knowledge through no breach of the Agreement by the receiving party, (ii) is received by... recipient from a third party not under a duty of confidence, or (iii) is already known or is independently developed by the receiving party without use of the Confidential Information. View More
Confidential Information. Any non-public information of the parties hereto relating to its business activities, financial affairs, technology, marketing or sales plans that is disclosed to, and received by, the other party pursuant to the this Agreement. Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, the terms and pricing of the this Agreement. Confidential Information shall not include information which: (i) is or becomes public knowledge through no breach of the this Agreement by the receiving party, (ii)... is received by recipient from a third party not under a duty of confidence, or (iii) is already known or is independently developed by the receiving party without use of the Confidential Information. Information, or (iv) is disclosed by a party without an obligation of confidentiality View More
View Variation
Confidential Information. All Trade Secrets, Business Contacts, business practices, business procedures, business processes, financial information, contractual relationships, marketing practices and procedures, management policies and procedures, and/or any other information of Company Group or otherwise regarding Company Group's operations and/or Trade Secrets or those of any member of Company Group and all information maintained or entered on any database, document or report set forth on Exhibit "A" or any other... loyalty, hotel, casino or other customer database or system, irrespective of whether such information is used by Employee during Employee's employment by Company. View More
Confidential Information. All Trade Secrets, Business Contacts, business practices, business procedures, business processes, financial information, contractual relationships, marketing practices and procedures, management policies and procedures, and/or any other information of the Company Group or otherwise regarding Company Group's the Company's operations and/or Trade Secrets or those of any member of the Company Group and all information maintained or entered on any database, document or report set forth on Exhibit ... class="diff-color-red">"A" A or any other loyalty, hotel, casino or other customer database or system, irrespective of whether such information is used by Employee during Employee's employment by Company. View More
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Confidential Information. Means non-public information of a Disclosing Party or its Affiliates, including (a) any trade secrets and any information relating to the Disclosing Party's current and planned products and services, technology, source code, techniques, know-how, research, engineering, designs, finances, accounts, procurement requirements, manufacturing, customer lists, business forecasts, and marketing; (b) any information disclosed in writing that is clearly marked "confidential" or with a similar proprietary... notice at the time of disclosure; (c) any information disclosed verbally that is identified as "confidential" or similarly at the time of disclosure, or which, by its nature, a reasonable person would consider confidential; (d) the terms and conditions of this Agreement; and (e) Omics Data. View More
Confidential Information. Means non-public information of a Disclosing Party or its Affiliates, including (a) any trade secrets and any information relating to the Disclosing Party's current and planned products and services, technology, source code, techniques, know-how, research, engineering, designs, finances, accounts, procurement requirements, manufacturing, customer lists, business forecasts, and marketing; (b) any information disclosed in writing that is clearly marked "confidential" or with a similar proprietary... notice at the time of disclosure; (c) any information disclosed verbally that is identified as "confidential" or similarly at the time of disclosure, or which, by its nature, a reasonable person would consider confidential; (d) the terms and conditions of this Agreement; (e) NantHealth Data; (f) NantOmics Data; and (e) Omics Data. (g) the Content. View More
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Confidential Information. Means any and all information, inventions, discoveries, ideas, writings, communications, research, engineering methods, developments in chemistry, manufacturing information, practices, processes, systems, technical and scientific information, formulae, designs, concepts, products, trade secrets, projects, improvements and developments that relate to the business of the Company or any Affiliate and are not generally known by others, including but not limited to (i) products and services,... technical data, methods and processes, (ii) marketing activities and strategic plans, (iii) financial information, costs and sources of supply, (iv) the identity and special needs of customers and prospective customers and vendors and prospective vendors, and (v) the people and organizations with whom the Company or any Affiliate has or plans to have business relationships and those relationships. Confidential Information also includes such information that the Company or any Affiliate may receive or has received belonging to customers or others who do business with the Company or any Affiliate and any publication or literary creation of the Executive, developed in whole or in part while the Executive is employed by the Company, in whatever form published the content of which, in whole or in part, relates to the business of the Company or any Affiliate. Confidential Information shall not include any information or materials that Executive can prove by written evidence (i) is or becomes publicly known through lawful means and without breach of this Agreement by Executive; (ii) was rightfully in Executive's possession or part of Executive's general knowledge prior to the Effective Date; or (iii) is disclosed to Executive without confidential or proprietary restrictions by a third party who rightfully possesses the information or materials without confidential or proprietary restrictions. View More
Confidential Information. Means any and all information, inventions, discoveries, ideas, writings, communications, research, engineering methods, developments in chemistry, manufacturing information, practices, processes, systems, technical and scientific information, formulae, designs, concepts, products, intellectual property, trade secrets, projects, improvements and developments that relate to the business of the Company or any Affiliate and are not generally known by others, including but not limited to (i)... products and services, technical data, methods and processes, (ii) marketing activities and strategic plans, (iii) financial information, costs and sources of supply, (iv) the identity and special needs of customers and prospective customers and vendors and prospective vendors, and (v) the people and organizations with whom the Company or any Affiliate has or plans to have business relationships and those relationships. Confidential Information also includes such information that the Company or any Affiliate may receive or has received belonging to customers or others who do business with the Company or any Affiliate and any publication or literary creation of the Executive, yours, developed in whole or in part while the Executive is you are employed by the Company, in whatever form published the content of which, in whole or in part, relates to the business of the Company or any Affiliate. Confidential Information shall not include any information or materials that Executive you can prove by written evidence (i) is or becomes publicly known through lawful means and without breach of this Agreement Letter by Executive; you; (ii) was rightfully in Executive's your possession or part of Executive's your general knowledge prior to the Effective Date; or (iii) is disclosed to Executive you without confidential or proprietary restrictions by a third party who rightfully possesses the information or materials without confidential or proprietary restrictions. View More
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Confidential Information. Trade secrets and other confidential and proprietary information relating to the Company's business, including, but not limited to, information about Hershey's manufacturing processes; manuals, recipes and ingredient percentages; engineering drawings; product and process research and development; new product information; cost information; supplier data; strategic business information; information related to Hershey's legal strategies or legal advice rendered to Hershey; marketing, financial and... business development information, plans, forecasts, reports and budgets; customer information; new product strategies, plans and project activities; and acquisition and divestiture strategies, plans and project activities View More
Confidential Information. Trade secrets and other confidential and proprietary information relating to the Company's business, including, but not limited to, information about Hershey's the Company's manufacturing processes; manuals, recipes and ingredient percentages; engineering drawings; product and process research and development; new product information; cost information; supplier data; strategic business information; information related to Hershey's the Company's legal strategies or legal advice rendered to ... class="diff-color-red">Hershey; the Company; marketing, financial and business development information, plans, forecasts, reports and budgets; customer information; new product strategies, plans and project activities; and acquisition and divestiture strategies, plans and project activities activities. View More
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