
Example Definitions of "Employment"
Employment. With the Company shall include employment with any of the Company's subsidiaries
Employment. The Company shall employ Executive, and Executive accepts employment with the Company upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement for the period beginning on the Effective Date and ending as provided in Section 5 (the 'Employment Period'). For the purposes of this Agreement, the 'Effective Date' shall be July 17, 2023.
Employment. Employment with the Company or a Subsidiary.
Employment. The term "employment", as used in this Plan and in any Award Agreement, shall, unless the context otherwise requires, be defined in accordance with the provisions of Section 1.421-7(h) of the Federal Income Tax Regulations (or any successor regulations).
Employment. Means the state of being an employee, consultant, sole proprietor, director or any other position (including self employment) through which a Participant receives Compensation.
Employment. The time period during which any individual is an Employee.
Employment. Means substantially full time employment of Executive by the Company or any of its Affiliates.
Employment. Employment means Employment as an employee or officer by the Company or a Subsidiary as designated in such entity's payroll records, or by any corporation issuing or assuming rights or obligations under the Plan in any transaction described in Section 424(a) of the Code or by a parent corporation or a subsidiary corporation of such corporation. In this regard, neither the transfer of a Participant from Employment by the Company to Employment by a Subsidiary nor the transfer of a Participant... from Employment by a Subsidiary to Employment by either the Company or any by any other Subsidiary shall be deemed to be a termination of Employment of the Participant. Moreover, the Employment of a Participant shall not be deemed to have been terminated because of absence from active Employment on account of temporary illness or during authorized vacation, temporary leaves of absence from active Employment granted by Company or any Subsidiary for reasons of professional advancement, education, health, or government service, or during military leave for any period if the Participant returns to active Employment within 90 days after the termination of military leave, or during any period required to be treated as a leave of absence which, by virtue of any valid law or agreement, does not result in a termination of Employment. Any worker treated as an independent contractor by the Company or any Subsidiary who is later reclassified as a common-law employee shall not be in Employment during any period in which such worker was treated by the Company or a Subsidiary as an independent contractor. Any leased employee, as described in Section 414(n) of the Code, shall not be deemed an Employee hereunder. View More
Employment. Means your employment with the Company in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement;
Employment. Employment with the Company and/or Related Employment
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