
Example Definitions of "Employment"
Employment. Any work that is a reasonable match with the Executive's qualifications, skills and experience, including any self-employment, consulting or independent contractor arrangement, or employer-employee relationship
Employment. The Participant's employment or other service relationship with the Company and its Subsidiaries.
Employment. Employment with the Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries. The length of any period of Employment shall be determined by the Corporation or the Subsidiary that either (i) employs the Optionee or (ii) employed the Optionee immediately prior to the Optionee's termination of employment
Employment. Employment by the Company.
Employment. With respect to Option grants to a Director, references herein to "employment" shall be deemed to refer to such person's "service relationship" with the Company or a Subsidiary.
Employment. The Executive's employment under this Agreement
Employment. The employment by the Company of the Employee pursuant to this agreement and the Earlier Agreements
Employment. The Executive's employment with the Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates, as applicable. If the Executive's employment is with a subsidiary and that entity ceases to be a subsidiary of the Company, the Executive's Employment will be deemed to have terminated when the entity ceases to be a subsidiary of the Company unless the Executive transfers employment to the Company or one of its remaining subsidiaries. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in construing the provisions of this Agreement,... references to termination or cessation of employment, separation from service, retirement or similar or correlative terms shall be construed to require a "separation from service" (as that term is defined in Section 1.409A-1(h) of the Treasury Regulations) from the Company and from all other corporations and trades or businesses, if any, that would be treated as a single "service recipient" with the Company under Section 1.409A-1(h)(3) of the Treasury Regulations. The Company may, but need not, elect in writing, subject to the applicable limitations under Section 409A, any of the special elective rules prescribed in Section 1.409A-1(h) of the Treasury Regulations for purposes of determining whether a "separation from service" has occurred. Any such written election shall be deemed a part of the Agreement View More
Employment. Means Grantee's employment or other service relationship with the Company and its Affiliates
Employment. The working association and relationship between a Stockholder and the Buyer or its Affiliate, whether such individual is an employee, an independent contractor, or someone whose services are otherwise provided to or for the Buyer or its Affiliate through a third party
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