
Example Definitions of "Improvement"
Improvement. Means any new, improved, enhanced or modified composition, formulation, method of manufacture, line extension of or new indication for a product, including in combination with one or more other active pharmaceutical ingredient, provided that the new, improved, enhanced or modified composition, formulation, method of manufacture, line extension or new indication contains or relates to the same active pharmaceutical ingredient as the original product, whether or not such new, improved, enhanced... or modified composition, formulation, method of manufacture, line extension or new indication expands outside the existing label claim for such product. View More
Improvement. Any significant innovation, modification or improvement to IP
Improvement. Any invention, modification, addition, derivative work, enhancement, revision, translation, abridgment or expansion of the Platform, and any idea, conception, concept, enhancement, discovery, design, improvement, creation, and reduction incorporated into the Platform.
Improvement. Means (a) any new or modified distribution rights that have the same function as any of the Distribution Rights but (i) is better or more economical; (ii) is more marketable than the Distribution Rights for any reason; or (b) any enhancement or modification to the Distribution Rights
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