Intellectual Property Rights

Example Definitions of "Intellectual Property Rights"
Intellectual Property Rights. Copyright rights, trademark rights (including, without limitation, trade names, trademarks, service marks, and trade dress), patent rights, trade secrets, moral rights, right of publicity, goodwill and all other intellectual property rights as may exist now and/or hereafter come into existence and all renewals and extensions thereof, arising under the law of the United States or any state, country or other jurisdiction
Intellectual Property Rights. Means patents and all applications, continuations, continuations-in-part and divisionals with respect thereto; copyrights, and all other rights in works of authorship recognized in any jurisdiction; trade secrets; trademarks, service marks, logos and product names; all applications, registrations and renewals with respect to any of the foregoing; proprietary manufacturing methods; moral rights; all other intellectual property rights and rights in trade secrets, whether registered or not, that... may be recognized in any jurisdiction; and all rights to sue for and remedies against past, present and future infringements or misappropriations of the foregoing. View More
Intellectual Property Rights. Any and all patent rights, copyrights, mask rights, trademarks, trade names and service marks, any and all registrations of and applications for registration of any of the foregoing, any and all rights in trade secrets and/or know-how, and any and all other intellectual or industrial property rights recognized in any jurisdiction now or in the future
Intellectual Property Rights. All forms of proprietary rights, titles, interests, and ownership relating to patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade dress, trade secrets, mask works, moral rights, and all similar intellectual property rights of every type that may exist now or in the future in any jurisdiction, including without limitation all applications and registrations thereof
Intellectual Property Rights. Means all intellectual property rights in any jurisdiction throughout the world, including without limitation all rights in: (a) patents, applications therefor, and any additions, continuations, continuations-in-part, divisions, reissues, reexaminations, renewals or extensions based thereon and all other rights corresponding thereto (Patents); (b) copyrights, copyright registrations and applications therefor and similar or equivalent rights in works of authorship (Copyrights); (c) trademark and... service mark registrations and applications, source identifiers, common law trademarks, tradenames, and service marks, and goodwill related to the foregoing (Trademarks); and (d) common law and statutory rights in any jurisdiction commonly known as trade secrets or that permit the holder of such right to limit the use or disclosure of its know-how and other confidential or proprietary technical, business, or other information (individually and collectively, Trade Secrets). View More
Intellectual Property Rights. All intellectual property, including without limitation patents, trade marks, service marks, trade names, logos, designs, registered and unregistered design rights, copyrights and the copyright in all drawings, plans, specifications, designs, computer software, web sites and web pages (including in each case application therefor) in any part of the world and whether or not registered or registrable and all know-how, software programmes, inventions, formulae, trade secrets, data, confidential or... secret processes and information, business names and domain names and any similar rights situated in any country and all other similar proprietary rights which may subsist in any part of the world including, where such rights are obtained or enhanced by registration, any registration of such rights and application and rights to apply for such registration; and the benefit (subject to the burden) of any and all Consents in connection with any of the foregoing (including all documents relating thereto), details of the Intellectual Property Rights owned by the Target Group are set out in Appendix B to this Agreement View More
Intellectual Property Rights. All intellectual property rights, including copyrights, database rights, patents, designs, semiconductor rights, trademarks, trade names, and all other similar proprietary rights which exist in any part of the world together with (a) all applications and rights to apply therefore and (b) all renewals, extensions and revivals thereof;
Intellectual Property Rights. Any and all rights existing from time to time under patent law, copyright law, moral rights law, trade secret law, trademark law, whether registered or unregistered, and any and all other similar proprietary rights, as well as any and all applications, renewals, extensions, divisionals, continuations, restorations and re-instatements thereof, now or hereafter in force and effect worldwide
Intellectual Property Rights. Means all worldwide common law or statutory rights protected under (a) patents, patent applications, and patent rights; (b) rights associated with original works, authorship, moral rights, copyrights and all its exclusive rights; (c) rights relating to the protection of trade secrets and confidential information, (d) rights associated with designs, industrial designs, and semiconductor design; (e) rights analogous to those set forth above and any and all other industrial or intellectual... property rights; and (f) registrations, divisionals, continuations, continuations-in-part, renewals, reissues, reexaminations, and extensions of the foregoing (as applicable) now existing or hereafter filed, issued or acquired View More
Intellectual Property Rights. Patents, certificates of invention, utility models, design rights and similar invention rights, copyrights, trade secret rights, mask work rights, and any other intangible property or proprietary rights (other than trademarks, trade names, service marks and trade dress rights) recognized anywhere in the world under any state or national statute or treaty or common law right, including without limitation all applications and registrations with respect to any of the foregoing.
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