
Example Definitions of "Mortgage"
Mortgage. The mortgage, deed of trust, security deed, deed to secure debt or similar instrument described in Section 2.2 of this Agreement, as originally executed or as may be hereafter supplemented or amended from time to time in writing.
Mortgage. Shall mean a mortgage encumbering the leasehold interest of Tenant under this Lease, provided that the holder of any such mortgage has provided a copy of its mortgage and notice to Landlord as required hereunder.
Mortgage. Each mortgage, assignment of rents, security agreement and fixture filing, or deed of trust, assignment of rents, security agreement and fixture filing, deed to secure debt, assignment of rents, security agreement and fixture filing, or similar instrument creating and evidencing a lien on real property and other property and rights incidental thereto, unless such Mortgage is granted in connection with a Co-op Loan, in which case the first lien position is in the stock of the subject cooperative... association and in the tenant's rights in the cooperative lease relating to such stock View More
Mortgage. An agreement, including, but not limited to, a mortgage, deed of trust or any other document creating and evidencing a Lien on a Mortgaged Property in favor of or for the benefit of Administrative Agent, which shall be in form which is effective to create a Lien on such Mortgaged Property in favor of Administrative Agent to secure the Secured Obligations that is enforceable against the applicable Grantor and third parties, in each case, with such schedules and including such provisions as shall... be necessary or desirable to conform such document to applicable local law requirements or as shall be customary under applicable local law requirements. View More
Mortgage. That certain first priority Purchase Money Mortgage granted by BRHP, LLC to the Lender as of the date hereof, as the same may be amended, modified, replaced and/or extended from time to time, encumbering certain real property located in Palm Beach County, Florida.
Mortgage. Means that as set forth in the Recitals to this Agreement.
Mortgage. Any trust indenture or mortgage which may now or hereafter affect the Real Property or the Building, and all renewals, extensions, supplements, amendments, modifications, consolidations and replacements thereof or thereto, substitutions therefor, and advances made thereunder
Mortgage. Means, individually and collectively, as the context requires, each of the fee or leasehold mortgages, deeds of trust and deeds executed by a Loan Party that purport to grant a Lien to the Administrative Agent (or a trustee for the benefit of the Administrative Agent) for the benefit of the Secured Parties in any Mortgaged Properties, in form and substance satisfactory to the Administrative Agent
Mortgage. Shall mean the Mortgage, Security Agreement and Financing Statement dated November 16, 2017, and recorded in the real property records of Sandoval County, New Mexico, on November 17, 2017, as Document No. 2017027198, made by Maker, as mortgagor, in favor of Lender, as mortgagee, and securing, among other things, payment of this Note.
Mortgage. The Construction Mortgage, Security Agreement and Fixture Financing Statement on the Property, executed by Borrower, as mortgagor, in favor of Lender and securing repayment of the Construction Note.
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