
Example Definitions of "Mortgage"
Mortgage. The word mortgage is used herein to include any lien or encumbrance on the Premises or the Property or on any part of or interest in or appurtenance to any of the foregoing, including without limitation any ground rent or ground lease if Landlord's interest is or becomes a leasehold estate. The word mortgagee is used herein to include the holder of any mortgage, including any ground lessor if Landlord's interest is or becomes a leasehold estate. Wherever any right is given to a mortgagee, that... right may be exercised on behalf of such mortgagee by any representative or servicing agent of such mortgagee. View More
Mortgage. The Loan Agreement of even date with this Mortgage (between Mortgagor, as "Borrower," and Mortgagee, as "Lender" (as amended, restated, amended and restated, supplemented, extended and/or otherwise modified from time to time, the "Loan Agreement")
Mortgage. Any mortgage, deed to secure debt or deed of trust from Landlord to a Lender which (a) encumbers the Leased Premises and (b) secures Landlord's obligation to repay a Loan, as the same may be amended, supplemented or modified
Mortgage. Any mortgage, deed of trust or similar security instrument currently existing or hereafter executed covering the Leased Premises, or any part thereof, from Landlord and/or any Parent Entity to Lender.
Mortgage. A first priority mortgage or similar security instrument hereafter executed covering the Leased Premises from Landlord to Lender
Mortgage. That certain Open-End Mortgage, Security Agreement, Fixture Filing and Assignment of Leases and Rents from Borrower to Lender dated of even date herewith, executed and delivered by Borrower, as the same may from time to time be amended, restated or otherwise modified.
Mortgage. The mortgage and security agreement and fixture financing statement(s) of even date herewith given by the Borrower to the Lender mortgaging the Premises and granting a security interest in the personal property as described in the mortgage together with any amendments or supplements
Mortgage. A Deed of Trust, Mortgage, Security Agreement, Fixture Filing and Financing Statement executed by Borrower, as mortgagor, granting to or in favor of Lender and certain other secured parties described therein, as mortgagees, Liens on the Participation Assets, in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A but only to the extent required by Section 7 hereof, as the same may be amended, restated, supplemented or otherwise modified
Mortgage. Means the Line of Credit Mortgage, Security Agreement and Fixture Filing, dated February 3, 2021, and recorded in the real property records of Sandoval County, New Mexico on February 3, 2021, as Document No. 2021003917, made by Maker in favor of Lender and securing, among other things, payment of this Note, as supplemented, modified and amended
Mortgage. As the context may require, (i) to mortgage, pledge, encumber or subject to a lien or (ii) a mortgage, pledge, encumbrance or lien.
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