
Example Definitions of "Property"
Property. Means the Improvements and the land owned by Landlord and serving the Improvements.
Property. Shall mean the Building together with the parking lot and all appurtenances thereto on which the Building is located, together with all other improvements which may hereafter be constructed on such parcel of land.
Property. Means any real property owned or leased by Company or Bank.
Property. That certain parcel or tract of the land lying in the City of Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina containing forty (40) acres, more or less, and being located at 4501 Reedy Creek Road, Raleigh, NC, together with any easements or other appurtenances appertaining thereto as further described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference
Property. Collectively, the Manufacturing Facility and the PICONYX Property
Property. The following described real and personal property owned by the Seller: (a) Land, Improvements, Personal Property and Appurtenances. The Land together with (i) all buildings, structures and other improvements erected on or attached to the Land as of the Effective Date or hereafter located thereon (the "Improvements"); (ii) any and all furnishings, fixtures, equipment and other personal property located in, on, about, or used in connection with, the Land or the Improvements (but only to the... extent such items are owned by the Seller, are in the Seller's possession or control, and are transferable) (collectively, the "Personal Property"); and (iii) all easements, rights of way, privileges, licenses, tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances and other rights and benefits belonging to or running with the Land, or related to the Land and belonging to the Seller, including but not limited to, water rights and water service agreements, all adjacent streets and alleys, and any strips or gores between such real property and adjacent property (the "Appurtenances"); (b) Leases and Contracts. All Assumed Contracts and Assigned Leases (each as defined below). (c) Licenses and Permits. To the extent assignable, all of the Seller's interest in any Consents, Governmental Approvals, or entitlements, including those obtained by Purchaser prior to the Closing ("Licenses and Permits"). (d) Leasehold Estate. Seller's leasehold interest in the Ground Lease View More
Property. Securities and Non-Custody Assets, as those terms are defined herein, which are subject to the terms of this Amended and Restated Agreement.
Property. The Registered Property and the Unregistered Land;
Property. Shall mean the land located at 601 and 701 South 12th Street, Arlington, Virginia more particularly described on "Exhibit A" attached hereto (the "Land"), together with (i) all rights, privileges and easements appurtenant to the Land owned by Seller, including, without limitation, all minerals, oil, and gas on and under the Land, as well as all development rights, air rights, water, and water rights relating to the Land, any rights to any land lying in the bed of any existing dedicated street,... road or alley adjoining the Land and to all strips and gores adjoining the Land, and any other easements, rights of way, or appurtenances used in connection with the beneficial use and enjoyment of the Land (collectively referred to as the "Appurtenances"); and (ii) all improvements and fixtures located on the Land, including all, heating and air conditioning systems and facilities used to provide any utility services and ventilation thereto (collectively, the "Improvements") (which Land, together with the Appurtenances and Improvements, is collectively referred to as the "Real Property"). The tangible personal property, if any, described in Schedule 1 attached hereto together with all other personal property, equipment and furnishings owned by Seller located on or in or used in connection with the Real Property (collectively, the "Personal Property"); and All of the interest of Seller in any intangible personal property now or hereafter owned by Seller and used in the ownership, use, and operation of the Real Property, the Appurtenances, Improvements, and Personal Property, if any, including, without limitation, to the extent that the same are approved by Purchaser pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, any permits and approvals, contracts, subcontracts, leases, agreements, or other rights relating to the ownership, use and operation of the Property, all building warranties and guarantees, all of Seller's rights under any construction contracts and agreements, and payment, performance and surety bonds (all of which are collectively referred to as the "Intangible Property"). The Real Property, Personal Property and Intangible Property are hereinafter referred to collectively as the "Property." View More
Property. Means that certain multi-family housing development commonly known as Countryside Apartments, North American Drive, Howell, New Jersey.
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