
Example Definitions of "Tax"
Tax. All forms of tax, charges, duties, costs and imposts and levies and whether of the United Kingdom, United States of America or elsewhere and whether chargeable directly or primarily against or attributable directly or primarily to the Company or to any other person including without limitation, income tax (including income tax or amounts equivalent to or in respect of income tax required to be deducted or withheld from or accounted for in respect of any payment), withholding taxes, Primary... (employee) class 1 National Insurance contributions, social security or other similar contributions View More
Tax. Any federal, state, local or foreign income, gross receipts, property, sales, use, license, excise, franchise, employment, payroll, withholding, alternative or add-on minimum, ad valorem, transfer or excise tax, or any other tax, custom, duty, governmental fee or other like assessment or charge of any kind whatsoever, together with any interest, penalty or addition imposed by any Governmental Authority
Tax. The federal, state, and local income, employment and excise tax liabilities incurred by the Participant in connection with his/her Awards
Tax. (and the correlative meaning, "Taxes," "Taxing" and "Taxable") shall mean (A) any tax imposed under Subtitle A of the Code, or any net income, gross income, gross receipts, alternative or add-on minimum, sales, use, business and occupation, value-added, trade, goods and services, ad valorem, franchise, profits, license, business royalty, withholding, payroll, employment, capital, excise, transfer, recording, severance, stamp, occupation, premium, property, asset, real estate acquisition,... environmental, custom duty, or other tax, governmental fee or other like assessment or charge of any kind whatsoever, together with any interest and any penalty, addition to tax or additional amount imposed by a Taxing Authority; (B) any liability of a member of the MS Group or the MSCI Group, as the case may be, for the payment of any amounts of the type described in clause (A) for any Taxable period resulting from such member being a part of a consolidated group pursuant to the application of Treasury Regulations Section 1.1502-6 or any similar provision applicable under state, local or foreign law; or (C) any liability of a member of the MS Group or the MSCI Group for the payment of any amounts described in clause (A) as a result of any express or implied obligation to indemnify any other Person. View More
Tax. Or "Taxes" means any and all taxes, assessments, imposts, charges, duties, withholdings, fees, levies and other similar charges of any kind whatsoever, and any interest, penalties, additions to tax and additional amounts, that are imposed, assessed or levied by any government or any political subdivision, agency, commission or authority thereof or any taxing authority.
Tax. All forms of taxation, whenever created or imposed, and whether of the United States or elsewhere, and whether imposed by a federal, state, municipal, governmental, territorial, local, foreign or other body, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall include net income, gross income, gross receipts, sales, use, value added, ad valorem, transfer, recording, franchise, profits, license, lease, service, service use, payroll, wage, withholding, employment, unemployment insurance,... workers compensation, social security, excise, severance, stamp, business license, business organization, occupation, premium, property, environmental, windfall profits, customs, duties, alternative minimum, estimated or other taxes, fees, premiums, assessments or charges of any kind whatever imposed or collected by any governmental entity or political subdivision thereof, together with any related interest and any penalties, additions to such tax or additional amounts imposed with respect thereto by such governmental entity or political subdivision View More
Tax. Any and all taxes, charges, fees, levies, imposts and other assessments, including, without limitation, all income, sales, use, goods and services, value added, capital, capital gains, alternative, net worth, transfer, profits, withholding, payroll, excise, franchise, real property and personal property taxes, and any other taxes, customs duties, fees, assessments or similar charges in the nature of a tax including, without limitation, unemployment and employment insurance payments and workers'... compensation premiums, together with any installments with respect thereto, and any interest, fines and penalties imposed by any Governmental Body (including, without limitation, federal, state, provincial, municipal and foreign governmental authorities), and whether disputed or not View More
Tax. Shall mean all federal, state, local, foreign and value-added taxes, and other assessments of a similar nature (whether imposed directly, through withholding, or in the nature of a sales or value added tax), including any interest, additions to Tax, or penalties applicable thereto, imposed by any Tax Authority.
Tax. Any Federal, State or foreign tax, assessment or other governmental charge or levy (including any withholding tax) upon a Person or upon its assets, revenues, income or profits
Tax. Any federal, state, provincial, local or foreign income, alternative or add-on minimum, gross receipts, goods and services, transfer (including sales and use), gains, ad valorem, capital stock, franchise, profits, license, payroll, direct placement, employment, unemployment, excise, registration, severance, stamp, procurement, occupation, premium, escheat, environmental or windfall profit tax, custom, duty or other tax, governmental fee, or other like assessment or charge of any kind whatsoever... (including, but not limited to, withholding on amounts paid to or by any Person, real and personal property taxes, and real property transfer taxes), and any Liability for any of the foregoing that arises as a transferee or successor), together with any interest, penalty, addition to tax, or additional amount imposed by any Governmental Authority responsible for the imposition of any such tax, governmental fee, assessment, or charge View More
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