
Example Definitions of "Tax"
Tax. Any and all federal, state, local, foreign and other taxes, levies, fees, imposts, duties and charges of whatever kind (including any interest, penalties or additions to the tax imposed in connection therewith or with respect thereto), whether or not imposed on the Company, including, without limitation, taxes imposed on, or measured by, income, franchise, profits or gross receipts, and also ad valorem, value added, sales, use, service, real or personal property, capital stock, license,... payroll, withholding, employment, social security, workers' compensation, unemployment compensation, utility, severance, production, excise, stamp, occupation, premium, windfall profits, transfer and gains taxes and customs duties. View More
Tax. All taxes, however denominated, including any interest, penalties or other additions to tax that may become payable in respect thereof, imposed by any Governmental Authority, which taxes include all income or profits taxes (including U.S. federal income taxes and state income taxes), payroll and employee withholding taxes, unemployment insurance, social security taxes, sales and use taxes, ad valorem taxes, excise taxes, franchise taxes, gross receipts taxes, business license taxes, occupation... taxes, real and personal property taxes, stamp taxes, environmental taxes, transfer taxes and workers' compensation charges View More
Tax. Any tax, levy, impost, deduction, charge or duty of any kind and whether direct or indirect, (and any related interest, penalty, fine or costs in connection with any of them) levied or imposed by any Government Agency
Tax. Any applicable federal, foreign, state, county, or local income, gross receipts, excise, import, property, franchise, ad valorem, license, sales or use tax or other withholding, social security, Medicare, unemployment compensation, or other employment-related tax, or any other charge (including without limitation any Tax liability incurred or borne as a transferee or successor by contract or otherwise), together with all deficiencies, penalties, additions, interest, assessments, and other... governmental charges with respect thereto View More
Tax. Any federal, state, provincial, local or non-U.S. income, gross receipts, license, payroll, employment, excise, severance, stamp, occupation, premium, windfall profits, capital gain, intangible, custom duties, capital stock, franchise, withholding, social security (or its equivalent), unemployment, disability, workers compensation, employee health, real property, personal property, unclaimed property, sales, use, transfer, value added, goods and services, social services, registration,... alternative or add on minimum, estimated or other tax, duty, rate or other levy and any other taxes, duties, levies, charges or withholdings corresponding to, similar to, replaced by or replacing any of them, including any interest, penalties or additions to tax in respect of the foregoing, whether or not disputed View More
Tax. Means all forms of federal, state, provincial, county, local, municipal, and national taxes, duties, levies, social security contributions (or similar charges of any kind whatsoever, whether payable directly or by withholding, including, without limitation, income, franchise, property, sales, customs, registration, value added, employment, gains, and social security taxes, together with any interest, penalties and additions imposed with respect to such amounts), imposed by or payable to any... Governmental Authority or Tax Authority whether direct or indirect, and including penalties, additions, interest, costs and expenses and any payment obligation by way of reimbursement, recharge, indemnity or damages relating to such taxes, duties, levies, social security contributions or other imposts or withholdings. View More
Tax. Or "Taxes" means any present or future taxes, levies, imposts, duties, charges, assessments or fees of any nature (including any interest thereon), other than corporate income taxes or comparable taxes assessed on net profits payable by Imprimis.
Tax. Any tax payable by the Company.
Tax. Any tax, levy, impost, deduction, charge, rate, duty, compulsory loan or withholding which is levied or imposed by a governmental agency, together with interest, penalties, charges, fees or other amounts (if any) imposed or made on or in respect of the above.
Tax. Any federal, state, local, foreign or other income, alternative, minimum, accumulated earnings, personal holding company, franchise, capital stock, net worth, capital, profits, windfall profits, gross receipts, value added, sales (including bulk sales), use, goods and services, excise, customs duties, transfer, conveyance, mortgage, registration, stamp, documentary, recording, premium, severance, environmental (including taxes under section 59A of the Code), real property, personal property, ad... valorem, intangibles, rent, occupancy, license, occupational, employment, unemployment insurance, social security, disability, workers' compensation, payroll, health care, withholding, estimated or other similar tax, duty or other governmental charge or assessment or deficiencies thereof, including all interest and penalties thereon and additions thereto whether disputed or not View More
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