
Example Definitions of "Technology"
Technology. The information, manufacturing techniques, data, designs or concepts developed by HSC, covering mutations in the gene for cystic fibrosis and uses thereof as encompassed by the claims of U.S. Patent No. 5,981,178 and U.S. Patent No. 6,001,588 entitled "Introns and Exons of the Cystic Fibrosis Gene and Mutations at Various Positions of the Gene"
Technology. The information, manufacturing techniques, data, designs or concepts developed by MICHIGAN and HSC, covering the gene for cystic fibrosis and uses thereof as covered by the claims of U.S. Patent Nos. 5,776,677 and 6,984,487 entitled "Cystic Fibrosis Gene."
Technology. Means the technology more fully described in Schedule A, including any Modifications that Licensor may provide to Licensee. Other capitalized terms used in this Agreement but not defined in this Section 1 shall have the meanings set forth elsewhere in this Agreement.
Technology. Copyrights, patents, patent applications and trade secrets.
Technology. (a) CTI's proprietary technology used in the design, manufacture, installation, operation and maintenance of the Nano ReactorsTM, consisting of systems, designs, procedures, drawings, schematics, ideas, concepts, techniques, and including patent rights, technical information, trade secrets and know-how deployed with or embedded therein or related thereto or used in their operation, and any applications, processes or improvements thereto; and (b) the Documentation.
Technology. All information, manufacturing techniques, data, designs, concepts, apparatus, compositions of matter, assays and materials (whether or not such specific information, manufacturing techniques, processes, data, designs, concepts, apparatus, compositions of matter, assays and materials are or become publicly known or available) that relate to and have been placed (or requested by LICENSEE to be placed) as of the Effective Date into (A) MICHIGAN's Technology Management Office ("TMO") File No. 1819... entitled "Cancer Stem Cells" (and encompassing U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/222,794 entitled "Isolation and Use of Cancer Stem Cells") developed by MICHIGAN's employees Michael F. Clarke and Max Wicha, and Sean Morrison (currently an employee of Howard Hughes Medical Institute); (B) TMO File No 1876 entitled "Purification of a Breast Cancer Tumor Initiating (Stem) Cell" developed by Michael F. Clarke, Sean Morrison, Mohammed Al-Hajj and Max Wicha; and (C) TMO File No. 1980 (and encompassing U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/240,317 entitled "An Efficient Xenograft Human Epithelial Cancer Model") developed by Michael F. Clarke, Sean Morrison, Mohammed Al-Hajj and Max Wicha; as well as all information, manufacturing techniques, processes, data, designs, concepts, apparatus, compositions of matter, assays and materials (whether or not such specific information, manufacturing techniques, data, designs, concepts, apparatus, compositions of matter, assays and materials are or become publicly known or available) which are or become licensed pursuant to this Agreement in accordance with the terms of Paragraph 9.4 and/or the Research Agreement described in Article 4. View More
Technology. The Patent Rights, Know-How, Marks, Improvements (as defined below), materials, processes, equipment, tangible property and proprietary rights; together with all other intellectual property, copyright protected information, routines, processes, operations, prototypes, specifications, sketches, notebooks, technologies, formulae, drawings, algorithms, studies, reports, costs, pricing, forecasts, orders, research and development, market data, customer names, opportunities, suppliers, vendor... relationships, hardware and software programs, and financial information related to the coating of manufactured goods and components of such goods with weather-proof, splash proof, protective coating View More
Technology. Tangible instantiations of technology, including but not limited to inventions, invention disclosures, trade secrets, proprietary information, know how, technical data, documentation, concepts, processes, formulae, systems, equipment, apparatuses, software, designs, drawings, plans, specifications and the like
Technology. Any technical information, know-how, processes, procedures, methods, formulae, protocols, techniques, software, computer code (including both object and source code), documentation, works of authorship, data, designations, designs, devices, prototypes, substances, components, inventions (whether or not patentable), mask works, ideas, trade secrets and other information or materials, in tangible or intangible form.
Technology. Any and all technology, technical information, Confidential Information, software, works of authorship, know-how, inventions, processes, procedures, compositions, methods, formulae, protocols, techniques, designs, drawings, data, and other technical subject matter, documents, and materials
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