
Example Definitions of "Warrant"
Warrant. The Common Stock purchase warrant issued to the Holder as provided herein and "Warrants" means the Warrant, together with the warrant issued to the other Purchaser pursuant to the Purchase Agreement, and any new warrants issued in connection with the transfer of a portion of the Warrant
Warrant. The Common Stock purchase warrant issued to the Holder, pursuant to the Purchase Agreement
Warrant. The three-year warrants to purchase ETI's common stock exercisable at $0.15 per share issued by ETI to the Holder contemporaneously herewith in the form of the Warrant annexed as Exhibit B.
Warrant. This Amended and Restated Warrant, issued pursuant to the Exchange Agreement
Warrant. The warrant to purchase stock of the Parent being issued to ORIX Finance Equity Investors, LP, a Delaware limited partnership, concurrently herewith, and all extensions and renewals thereof and replacements therefor.
Warrant. One full share purchase warrant entitling the Holder to purchase one Share at a price of $2.40 per share during the period from the date of issue to the date that is two (2) years from the date of issue
Warrant. Those common stock purchase warrants issued by the Company as part of the Units sold pursuant to the Offering Memorandum
Warrant. The meaning given to it in the Preamble.
Warrant. Means the Amendment Date Warrant (as defined in the Omnibus Agreement) executed by the Company in favor of the Lender (or its designee) on the date hereof.
Warrant. 'Company Warrant' as defined in the Transaction Agreement
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