Work Product

Example Definitions of "Work Product"
Work Product. Means all ideas, works of authorship, inventions and other creations, whether or not patentable, copyrightable, or subject to other intellectual property protection, that are made, conceived, developed or worked on in whole or in part by the Executive while employed by Employer and/or any of its Affiliates, that relate in any manner whatsoever to the business, existing or proposed, of Employer and/or any of its Affiliates, or any other business or research or development effort in which... Employer and/or any of its Affiliates engages during the Executive's employment. Work Product includes any material previously conceived, made, developed or worked on during the Executive's employment with Drive Financial Services LP and its Affiliates prior to the Original Effective Date. View More
Work Product. Means all All ideas, works of authorship, inventions and other creations, whether or not patentable, copyrightable, or subject to other intellectual property intellectual-property protection, that are made, conceived, developed or worked on in whole or in part by the Executive while employed by Employer the Company and/or any of its Affiliates, that relate in any manner whatsoever to the business, existing or proposed, of Employer the Company and/or any of its Affiliates, or any other business... or research or development effort in which Employer the Company and/or any of its Affiliates engages during the Executive's employment. Term of Employment. Work Product includes any material previously conceived, made, developed or worked on during the Executive's employment with Drive Financial Services LP and the Company or its Affiliates prior to the Original Effective Date. Affiliates. View More
Work Product. Means all ideas, works of authorship, inventions inventions, and other creations, whether or not patentable, copyrightable, or subject to other intellectual property intellectual-property protection, that are made, conceived, developed or worked on in whole or in part by the Executive while employed by Employer and/or any of its Affiliates, that relate in any manner whatsoever to the business, existing or proposed, then-proposed, of Employer and/or any of its Affiliates, or any other business... or research or development effort in which Employer and/or any of its Affiliates engages during the Executive's employment. Work Product includes any material previously conceived, made, developed or worked on during the Executive's employment with Drive Financial Services LP and its Affiliates prior to the Original Effective Date. View More
View Variations (2)
Work Product. All inventions, creations, innovations, improvements, technical information, systems, software developments, methods, designs, analyses, drawings, reports, service marks, trademarks, tradenames, logos and all similar or related information (whether patentable or un-patentable) which relate to the Company's or any subsidiary's actual or anticipated business, research and development or existing or future products or services which are conceived, developed or made by the Executive (whether or not... during usual business hours and whether or not alone or in conjunction with any other person) while employed by the Company (including those conceived, developed or made prior to the date of this Agreement), together with all patent applications, letters patent, trademark, tradename and service mark applications or registrations, copyrights and reissues thereof that may be granted for or upon any of the foregoing. View More
Work Product. All inventions, creations, innovations, improvements, technical information, systems, software developments, methods, designs, analyses, drawings, reports, service marks, trademarks, tradenames, trade names, logos and all similar or related information (whether patentable or un-patentable) unpatentable, copyrightable, registerable as a trademark, reduced to writing, or otherwise) which relate relates to the Company's or any subsidiary's Company Group's actual or anticipated business, research... and development or existing or future products or services and which are conceived, developed or made by the Executive (whether or not during usual business hours hours, whether or not by the use of the facilities of the Company Group, and whether or not alone or in conjunction with any other person) Person) while employed by the by, or providing services to, any Company Group Member (including those conceived, developed or made prior to the date of this Agreement), the Executive's employment by or services with any Company Group Member) together with all patent applications, letters patent, trademark, tradename trade name and service mark applications or registrations, copyrights and reissues thereof that may be granted for or upon any of the foregoing. View More
Work Product. All inventions, creations, innovations, improvements, technical information, systems, software developments, discoveries, methods, designs, processes, analyses, drawings, reports, service marks, trademarks, tradenames, logos trade names, logos, and all similar or related information (whether patentable or un-patentable) which relate unpatentable, copyrightable, registerable as a trademark, reduced to writing, or otherwise) that relates to the Company's or any subsidiary's actual or anticipated... business, research and development development, or existing or future products or services and which are conceived, developed developed, or made by the Executive Employee (whether or not during usual business hours hours, whether or not by the use of the facilities of the Company, and whether or not alone or in conjunction with any other person) while employed by the Company (including those conceived, developed developed, or made prior to the effective date of this Agreement), Agreement) together with all patent applications, letters patent, trademark, tradename trade name and service mark applications or registrations, copyrights and reissues thereof that may be granted for or upon any of the foregoing. View More
View Variations (2)
Work Product. All results of Services, including but not limited to the Product and other compounds, data, information, documentation (including, but not limited to, lab notebooks as applicable), reports and any other deliverables listed in the Work Order
Work Product. All results of Services, including but not limited to the Product Product, Specifications, and other compounds, data, information, documentation (including, but not limited to, lab notebooks as applicable), reports and any other deliverables listed in the Work Order and/or developed by Contractor in its performance of a Work Order.
View Variation
Work Product. Any and all results (including Results) and products (interim and/or final) of the Services performed by or on behalf of CoreRx hereunder, whether tangible or intangible, including, without limitation, the Master Batch Records and each and every invention, discovery, design, drawing, protocol, process, technique, formula, trade secret, device, compound, substance, material, pharmaceutical, method, software program (including, without limitation, object code, source code, flow charts, algorithms... and related documentation), listing, routine, manual and specification, whether or not patentable or copyrightable, that are authored, made, developed, perfected, designed, conceived or first reduced to practice by or on behalf of CoreRx hereunder, either solely or jointly with others, in the course and as a result of performing the Services. View More
Work Product. Any and all results (including Results) and products (interim and/or final) of the Services performed by or on behalf of CoreRx hereunder, Provider, whether tangible or intangible, including, without limitation, the Master Batch Records all data that is generated, and each and every invention, discovery, design, drawing, protocol, process, technique, formula, trade secret, device, compound, substance, material, pharmaceutical, method, software program (including, without limitation, object... code, source code, flow charts, algorithms and related documentation), listing, routine, manual and specification, whether or not patentable or copyrightable, that are authored, made, developed, perfected, designed, conceived or first reduced to practice by or on behalf of CoreRx hereunder, Provider, either solely or jointly with others, in the course and as a result of performing the Services. View More
View Variation
Work Product. Any and all inventions, innovations, improvements, original works of authorship, developments, concepts, methods, trade secrets, designs, analyses, drawings, reports and all similar or related information (whether or not patentable or registrable under copyright or similar laws) which are solely or jointly conceived, developed, made or reduced to practice, or caused to be conceived, developed, made or reduced to practice, by Executive while employed by RSI (if so employed), the Company or any... of its Affiliates. View More
Work Product. (i) all Technologies, in any stage of development, that Company conceives, creates, develops, or reduces to practice in connection with performing the Project, and (ii) all tangible embodiments (including models, presentations, prototypes, reports, samples, and summaries) of each item of such Technologies
Work Product. All ideas, discoveries, programs, systems, methods, interfaces, protocols, databases, creations, artwork, articles, programming, processes, designs, inventions or improvements relating to technological matters, whether or not capable of being protected by patent, copyright, trade secret or other intellectual property right
Work Product. All Inventions, documentation, drawings, databases, records, software, creative works, know-how and information created, in whole or in part, by Employee during Employee's employment by Company, whether or not protected or protectable by laws relating to patents or copyrights, including, but not limited to, all designs, methodologies, procedures, manuals, program listings, source codes, working papers and other documentation and information related thereto.
Work Product. Anything created or developed by Contractor in performing Work, including all data, documents, reports, drawings, designs, models, ideas and improvements, electronic data (in usable form), and other intellectual property including copyrights, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets. Excluded from Work Product are questionnaire formats, methods for collecting data, patents, tradenames, and databases owned or licensed by Contractor
Work Product. All Works that have been produced or created in whole or in part by Employee (a) on or after the date of this Agreement, or (b) prior to the date of this Agreement if Versa Card paid Employee for Employee's services or for the Works. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Work Product shall not include Works that do not relate to Versa Card's Business or to any then existing research or development of Versa Card developed (i) entirely on Employee's own time without the use of Versa Card's equipment,... supplies, and facilities, or reference to any of Versa Card's Proprietary Information, or (ii) after termination of employment View More
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