Change in Control Period

Example Definitions of "Change in Control Period"
Change in Control Period. The period beginning on the date a LOI or similar agreement is made between the Company and an acquiror, provided such date occurs no earlier than nine (9) months prior to a Change in Control, and ending twelve (12) months following a Change in Control.
Change in Control Period. The period commencing 30 days prior to a Change in Control and ending on the 12-month anniversary of such Change in Control.
Change in Control Period. The one-year period immediately following a Change in Control.
Change in Control Period. The twelve (12) month period beginning on the date of a Change in Control
Change in Control Period. The time period commencing on the effective date of a Change in Control and ending on the date that is eighteen (18) months after the effective date of a Change in Control.
Change in Control Period. The period commencing on November 2, 2020 and ending on December 31, 2021; provided, however, that commencing on January 1, 2022 and on each annual anniversary of such date (such date and each annual anniversary thereof shall be hereinafter referred to as the "Renewal Date"), unless previously terminated, the Change in Control Period shall be automatically extended for an additional one year so as to terminate on December 31 of the calendar year following the calendar year of the applicable... Renewal Date, unless prior to the Renewal Date the Company shall give notice to the Executive that the Change in Control Period shall not be so extended, in which case, the Change in Control Period shall terminate on December 31 of the calendar year of the applicable Renewal Date. View More
Change in Control Period. Means the period beginning upon the occurrence of a Change in Control through the date twelve (12) months following a Change in Control.
Change in Control Period. The period in time that begins three (3) months prior to and ends twenty-four (24) months after a Change in Control, provided that the Change in Control constitutes a change in control event under Treasury Regulation Section 1.409A-3(i)(5)(i)
Change in Control Period. Means the period of time commencing three months before a Change in Control (the "Three Month Period") and ending on the second annual anniversary of such Change in Control.
Change in Control Period. The period (i) within eighteen (18) months following a Change in Control, or (ii) within three (3) months preceding a Change in Control.
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