Competing Business

Example Definitions of "Competing Business"
Competing Business. Any business or enterprise that: (i) is engaged in the mid-market or economy hotel franchising business, (ii) competes in the same upscale, select service segment as Cambria Hotels and Suites or any successor or substantially similar Choice brand, or (iii) competes in any other line of business in which Choice is materially engaged at the time of the Termination Date.
Competing Business. For the purposes hereof, the term Competing Business means any consulting practice in the area of financial restructuring, forensic and litigation consulting, economic consulting, health care consulting, strategic communications, and electronic discovery or any other line of business that compete with the Company or its successors, assigns, predecessors, affiliates or subsidiaries (collectively, the "Company Group"), but only to the extent that the Company Group either engaged in such areas or... lines of business during Employee's period of employment or Employee had knowledge prior to termination of his employment with the Company Group that the Company Group intended to or contemplated entering such areas or lines of business. View More
Competing Business. Any business activity (i) that is the same as, or is in direct competition with, any portion of the Business and (ii) in which Executive engaged in during the course of his employment with Nucor
Competing Business. Any person, entity, or other business concern (other than the Company or any of its Subsidiaries) that engages in the acquisition, production, exploration and development of onshore oil and natural gas properties, and of natural gas and liquids.
Competing Business. Any person or entity that offers, markets, provides or is demonstrably planning to offer, market or provide any Competitive Products or Services
Competing Business. For the purposes hereof, the term "Competing Business" means consulting services, including any lines of business actively conducted by the Company during the period of Employee's employment with Company and at the time Employee's employment ends.
Competing Business. Any business, person, entity or group of business entities, regardless of whether organized as a corporation, partnership (general or limited), joint venture, association or other organization that (i) conducts or is planning to conduct a business similar to and/or in competition with any business conducted or planned by the Company and for which Grantee was employed or performed services in a job or had knowledge of the operations of such business(es) over the last two (2) years of Grantee's... employment with Hershey, or (ii) designs, develops, produces, offers for sale or sells a product or service that can be used as a substitute for or is generally intended to satisfy the same customer needs for, any one or more products or services designed, developed, manufactured, produced or offered for sale or sold by the Company for which Grantee was employed or performed services in a job or had knowledge of the operations of such business(es) of the Company during the two (2) years prior to the termination of Grantee's employment with Hershey. Grantee acknowledges that he/she will be deemed to have such knowledge if Grantee received, was in possession of or otherwise had access to Confidential Information regarding such business. View More
Competing Business. Shall mean any business in which the Company is currently engaged, engages during the Term, or makes substantial plans during the Term to engage in during the Covered Time.
Competing Business. Any entity (other than Park Sterling and its Affiliates) that is conducting business that is the same or substantially the same as the Business of Park Sterling.
Competing Business. Any business engaged in a line of business in which the Company or its subsidiaries (i) is engaged as of the Termination Date, (ii) has memorialized plans (electronically or otherwise) to become engaged within the six-month period immediately following the Termination Date or (iii) has plans of which the Executive knows (or of which there is a reasonable expectation that the Executive should have known) to become engaged within the six-month period immediately following the Termination Date.
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