Determination Date

Example Definitions of "Determination Date"
Determination Date. Means the date on which the Committee determines whether the Performance Condition has been satisfied. Such date shall occur in the Determination Year.
Determination Date. The date on which the Administrator certifies in writing the Company's TSR for the Performance Period. In the event the Measurement Date is December 31, 20 , the Determination Date will shall be no earlier than January 1, 20 and no later than January 7, 20 . In the event the Measurement Date is the date of a Change in Control, the Determination Date shall be no earlier than the day immediately following the date of such Change in Control and no later than one week from the... date of such Change in Control View More
Determination Date. The date that the Committee approves the calculation of the Company's annual operating income for the applicable fiscal year, which is anticipated to be shortly after the audit of the Company's financial statements is completed for such fiscal year
Determination Date. Means, in the case of a dividend or other distribution, including the issuance of rights, options or warrants, to shareholders, the date fixed for the determination of shareholders entitled to receive such dividend or other distribution and, in the case of a tender offer, the last time that tenders could have been made pursuant to such tender offer.
Determination Date. Each of the first, second and third annual anniversary of the Grant Date.
Determination Date. The first Valuation Date of the month following a Payment Event
Determination Date. The first Valuation Date of the month beginning after the date of a Payment Event
Determination Date. The date that Purchaser delivers the Financial Statements to the Agent; provided, however, that such date shall not be later than ninety (90) days following the end of the applicable Earnout Period.
Determination Date. Means the actual date on which the Company awards RSUs to the Participant under this Agreement after completion of the applicable Performance Period.
Determination Date. Means the latest possible date that will not jeopardize a Target Award or Award's qualification as Performance-Based Compensation.
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