Plan Administrator

Example Definitions of "Plan Administrator"
Plan Administrator. The Compensation Committee of the Board Directors of the Company
Plan Administrator. The Committee.
Plan Administrator. The particular entity, whether the Compensation Committee, the Board or other committees or delegate thereof (in the event the Board or Compensation Committee has delegated its authority pursuant to Section 3), which is authorized to administer the Plan with respect to one or more classes of eligible persons, to the extent such entity is carrying out its administrative functions under the Plan with respect to the persons then subject to its jurisdiction
Plan Administrator. Means the Board.
Plan Administrator. Until such time as the President and CEO or the Committee determines otherwise, the Company's Vice President, Human Resources Management & Operations.
Plan Administrator. Means the Committee and/or an officer or group of officers of the Company designated by the Committee as Plan Administrator pursuant to Section 14.
Plan Administrator. Independent directors of the Board.
Plan Administrator. The Corporate Secretary of the Company or his or her designee
Plan Administrator. Means the Board or any of its Committees appointed pursuant to Section 4 of the Plan
Plan Administrator. Means the person or persons appointed from time to time by the Board which appointment may be revoked at any time by the Board. If no Plan Administrator has been appointed by the Board (or if the Plan Administrator has been removed by the Board and no new Plan Administrator has been appointed by the Board), the Compensation Committee of the Board shall be the Plan Administrator.
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