Plan Administrator

Example Definitions of "Plan Administrator"
Plan Administrator. Means the Senior HR Officer or, with respect to the eligibility of executive officers of the Company to participate in the Plan, the Compensation Committee of the Board.
Plan Administrator. Means the Committee, or such other committee consisting of two or more officers of the Company as the Committee may designate to administer the Plan with regard to Employees who are not officers of the Company.
Plan Administrator. The Plan Administrator appointed by the ESPP Committee to administer this Plan. The Plan Administrator shall initially be Computershare, Inc. and certain of its affiliates.
Plan Administrator. Such other person or persons, including a committee, as the Committee may appoint to administer the Plan
Plan Administrator. "Plan Sponsor" means HRB Management, Inc. The address and telephone number of HRB Management, Inc. is 4400 Main Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64111, (816) 753-6900. The Employer Identification Number assigned to HRB Management, Inc. by the Internal Revenue Service is 43-1632589.
Plan Administrator. HRB Management, Inc.
Plan Administrator. H&R Block Management, LLC.
Plan Administrator. Either the Board or a Committee of the Board that is responsible for the administration of the Plan as is designated from time to time by resolution of the Board
Plan Administrator. A committee consisting of the Chief Executive Officer of the Company and two other officers of the Company selected by him
Plan Administrator. The Compensation Committee of the Board, as appointed from time to time by the Board
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