
Example Definitions of "Improvements"
Improvements. Buildings, structures, equipment from time to time located on the Properties and all parking and common areas located on the Properties.
Improvements. All improvements to the Patent Properties or the Existing Know-How developed by either Party hereunder (solely or jointly by the Parties or, subject to Section 2.5, jointly with third parties) including but not limited to inventions, patents, know-how, trade secrets and confidential information which is recorded, developed, conceived of, created and/or reduced to practice during the Term
Improvements. The term "Improvements" shall mean one or more enhancements, improvements or modifications in the manufacture, formulation, conjugations, ingredients, preparation, dosage, administration or packaging of a Product or the Chicago Labs Technology.
Improvements. Shall mean all buildings, structures, and improvements now existing or hereafter constructed upon the Land during the term of the Lease, and any restoration, addition to, or replacement thereof, but excluding therefrom the Land and Tenant's Trade Fixtures.
Improvements. The building(s) on each of the Premises and other related improvements to be occupied by Tenant pursuant to the terms of the respective Lease, and all appurtenances thereto, including but not limited to all pavement, accessways, curb cuts, parking, drainage systems and facilities, landscaping, and utility facilities and connections for sanitary sewer, potable water, irrigation, electricity, telephone and natural gas, if applicable or required by the Lease, to the extent the same form a part of... the Premises, including: (i) canopies on the pump islands, if any, (ii) the car wash, if any, and (iii) the underground petroleum storage tanks and pipelines, if any, located on or under the Premises View More
Improvements. The buildings (including all mechanical and utility systems and fixtures) and improvements constructed on the Real Property.
Improvements. Means all buildings, fixtures (including lighting, heating, plumbing and ventilating fixtures, and everything attached in any manner to walls, ceilings or floors), parking structures and facilities, walls, fences, landscaping, golf courses, swimming pools, tennis courts and other amenities, if applicable, and other structures and improvements situated on, affixed or appurtenant to the Real Property.
Improvements. Means any improvements, enhancements, discoveries, developments, inventions, modifications or derivative works, whether or not patentable.
Improvements. All Technology (whether or not protectable under patent, trademark, copyright or similar laws) that is conceived or reduced to practice by either party or jointly by the parties in the performance of Services and that relates solely to the Portola Technology
Improvements. Know-how, technical information, inventions, developments, discoveries, software, methods, techniques, procedures, formulae, data (including without limitation clinical data), processes and other proprietary ideas, whether or not patentable or copyrightable, that are conceived, discovered, developed, or reduced to practice during the Term by or on behalf of VIRIDIS and/or its Affiliates, and which are useful for or useable in the practice of the Patent Rights, Materials, and Know-how
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