
Example Definitions of "Knowledge"
Knowledge. Of Seller (or similar references to Seller's knowledge) means the actual, and not constructive, knowledge, as of the date hereof, and as of the Closing Date, of the senior management personnel of Seller who have supervisory responsibilities with respect to Seller or the Assets, specifically including Mr. Clark Morgan and Mr. Wyatt Wick.
Knowledge. By a Person of a particular fact or other matter means the following: (a) if the Person is an individual, that such individual is actually aware or reasonably should be aware, after due inquiry, by virtue of such person's office, of such fact or other matter; and (b) if the Person is an Entity, any executive officer of such Person is actually aware or reasonably should be aware, after due inquiry, of such fact or other matter.
Knowledge. An individual will be deemed to have "Knowledge" of a particular fact or other matter if such individual is actually aware of such fact or other matter, or should be aware of such fact or other matter after having conducted a diligent inquiry. The Buyer will be deemed to have "knowledge" of a particular fact or other matter if Michel Roy, Stephen Altmann or Armando Lujan Acuna, who are serving respectively as Chief Executive Officer, President and President of Mexican Subsidiaries of ECU Silver... Mining Inc., has, or at any time had, Knowledge of such fact or other matter. The Seller will be deemed to have "knowledge" of a particular fact or other matter if Kurt Douglas Allen, Ruben Gil or Don Poirier, who are serving respectively as General Manager and Administrative Manager of the Seller and as Vice-President of an Affiliate of the Seller, has, or at any time had, Knowledge of such fact or other matter View More
Knowledge. With respect to Owner, any Subsidiary of Owner, the Company or the Operating Partnership, the current actual knowledge of any Principal or Thomas N. Keltner, Jr. without any duty of investigation or inquiry
Knowledge. With respect to any Person that is an entity, the actual knowledge that an executive officer of such Person or Key Employee has and, with respect to any Person that is an individual, the actual knowledge of that Person
Knowledge. Of any person which is not an individual means, with respect to any specific matter, the actual knowledge of such person's executive officers and any other officer having primary responsibility for such matter after reasonable inquiry
Knowledge. With respect to Seller, the knowledge of the persons set forth in Exhibit F, and with respect to Purchaser, the persons set forth in Exhibit G, and in each case such person's actual personal knowledge of facts or matters without inquiry or investigation
Knowledge. Means the actual knowledge, after reasonable inquiry, of those individuals named in Section 9.16(g) of the Purchase Agreement.
Knowledge. The knowledge that a reasonably prudent person would be expected to have under the circumstances.
Knowledge. Shall mean the (i) actual knowledge of the employees of Seller and (ii) the actual and constructive knowledge of the officers and directors of Seller and the officers and directors of Parent having responsibility for the Parent oversight of Seller.
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