
Example Definitions of "Lease"
Lease. Any agreement of lease, license agreement or other occupancy agreement of any kind (including, without limitation, an agreement renewing or extending the term of a lease or modifying the provisions of a lease or any agreement expanding the size of the premises demised by any Tenant or other occupant), with respect to occupancy or use of space at any individual Project.
Lease. This Lease, as it may be supplemented and amended
Lease. That certain lease to be effective as of the Closing Date by and between Purchaser or its assignee, as landlord, and Seller and Seller's affiliate, Wishnatzki, Inc., as joint and several co-tenants, on terms and conditions agreed to by Purchaser and Seller prior to the expiration of the Inspection Period.
Lease. Collectively if more than one, any and all leases in effect at the Property, as more particularly described on Exhibit E attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Any such reference to the "Lease" shall mean all such leases, collectively, or any individual lease, as the context may require
Lease. Defined in Recital A
Lease. That certain lease to be effective as of the Closing Date by and between Purchaser or its permitted assignee, as landlord, and Hale Farms, L.L.C., a Oregon limited liability company, as tenant, and substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit D and incorporated herein by reference. The parties shall use diligent, good faith efforts to agree on the form of the Lease prior to expiration of the Inspection Period.
Lease. This Lease, as amended from time to time, and all Exhibits attached hereto.
Lease. All references in the Original Lease and herein to the "Lease" shall mean and refer to the Original Lease as amended hereby.
Lease. All terms defined in the Lease retain their meaning herein, unless specified herein to the contrary.
Lease. The Original Lease as modified and amended hereby.
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